TGX Composite

TGX Composite is used by the Hyperion Federation as starship armour. TGX Composite is very dense but very strong. Huge forces are required to move such heavy equipment. The armour is also supported by nanobots, able to repair it and change the format of the armour when certain weapons hit it. For example the nanobots can make it more heatproof by adding more heat conducting material when a laser strikes it, dispersing heat across the surface of the armour better and routing the heat to a Quantum Entropy neutralizer QEN heat vent. To better counter antimatter based weapons, the nanobots will likely create a (solid) hardlight barrier around the armour. Antimatter does not annihilate with photons. The armour can help charge the shields with inlaid superconducting shield-integrity channels, charging the shield very fast. However this has a considerable energy draw and weakens the armour temporarily as parts of the armour must be removed temporarily to reveal the channels. There are also in-built channels to better disperse impact forces across the surface and the surface typically has many more, similar to a sponge. This has the effect of increasing the time over which a collision happens.   Some versions of TGX composite, particularly the material used on large ships, such as 16 km or longer (Hyperion Size Tier), many plates of the armour are built and placed in many subspace dimensions. When the currently used plates are damaged they can be easily swapped for an undamaged plate in another subspace dimension.   TGX Comosite may be strengthened with exotic states of matter. By using a thin grid of QCD matter in a Bose-Einstein condensate state, any weapon impacts can be distributed over a massive area. Even kinetic penetrators will struggle massively. If the quarks in this material decohere, it will fall back to its natural, liquid-like state and not explode. The material is attracted to itself due to the strong nuclear force, and will remain near the origin point. Nanobots can repair the ship and repair this. Due to the immense density of QCD matter, it must be used extremely sparingly for a good mass-strength efficiency. Even a very small amount of the material will greatly improve the structural integrity, but is impacted by diminishing returns. Additionally, this material has little effect for collisions that already happen over the entire surface area of the ship, e.g. atmospheric pressure from a gas giant or star.


Origin & Source

Built by the Hyperion Federation

Life & Expiration

If supplied with power, infinite as Quantum Entropy neutralizer QEN allows it to resist entropy increase If not supplied with power, its metastable for a few years but its a complex material with many microscopic components. Its tough, but will break down with time. How long it lasts depends on its structure.

History & Usage


Superconductors within the material may, in extremely rare cases, pose an electrocution threat. However, the exterior of a starship is extremely rarely touched by anyone and the supercunductors are hidden within the armour itself. Its like electrocuting yourself on a kitchen appliance, but the apliance itself is very tough and the conductors have a significantly higher voltage. Its a possibliity, but very rare.
dark grey but emissive blue parts may be present if looked at closely
Common State


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