The Anomaly Document in THF Universe | World Anvil

The Anomaly

Large, tablet-like device once used by the Archo - Form of the Fortrais Galaxy Cluster.   The Anomaly was the name given to it by the faction that discovered it - the Xadia Ancients (the Archo-Form would have given it a name incomprehensible by any organic). Despite them being much older than the archo-form, they actually managed to uncover it while the archo-form was in its infancy and has not consumed the entire galaxy cluster yet. At the time, the Pyre of Stars was still under construction, but the hyperintelligent AI itself was alive. The Xadia wanted to study it, not knowing it had anything to do with the Lifeform Energy Barrier, but were stopped by the Pyre. It could not see the tablet, nor could it see the Archo-Form... or, whatever was causing the energy barrier. It could not trust this artefact. It demanded the Xadia not to trust it either.   In reality, it would be by far the most powerful artifact that exists in the galaxy cluster. It would give the user the ability to modify history as they please - and can make large modifications to events that might have happened millions of years ago - despite that being very far in the past.   However, after the Lifeform Energy Barrier obliterated the soul of the Pyre, it had to make a new one. The structure was designed to do that. The current Pyre is still incabable of detecting it - there is a highly enigmatic 'dark zone' on a planet in the VE-17G galaxy, where it cannot see. The Anomaly would, however, be extemely difficult to operate by any organic species - or even machine intelligences. Despite the surface being only several square metres it is entirely comprised of very small quauntum particles which spin in varying directions depending on what character is inserted at that space at the time. This allows the user to insert obscene numbers of characters in and run extremely complex commands.


Using The Anomaly, the Archo-Form would gain the ability to manipulate matter on the macroscopic scale simply by writing instructions. It would 'construct' objects similar to Dyson Spheres to obtain obscene amounts of energy to sustain itself, only the spheres would be comprised of an inconcievable material.


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