The Ashe Text

The Ashe Text governs how Ashe religion works. For lack of a better analogy, the Ashe Text is basically the equivalent of the Bible.   Although there are many different interpretations of the Ashe Text, all versions agree on several of the most basic facts that have been established through the many versions. These include the personality of their god, the notion that there is only 1 god, and the purpose of the Ashe people themselves being to spread the word of Ashe. The people were created by their god, according to all versions of the text.   The Ashe followers have fought wars over these points before in attempt to spread their faith. They have managed to conquer several star systems like this, using their strong military force to invade nearby minor factions and pirates. Due to this, the Ashe followers is actually a multi species society (however their main species is far more populous) As the vast majority of Ashe Text versions disallow their people from performing racist acts, their society is surprisingly accepting of people as long as they believe in their god and actively practice their religion.


To document the word of their god, Ashe. The texts act as the word of Ashe, as if the entity can speak to the reader.
Text, Religious


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