
A sentient species of insectoid alien. Their homeworld is the Leosus Ring World.   Togroids are capable of tunelling into the ground. Although they can bring a small load of tools or weapons with them underground, they are significantly slower when moving underground.   They can resist strong pressures because of the thick, strong carapace. This also doubles to protect the person from many external hazards. This carapace also uses strands of carbon nanotubes, allowing them to dig very deep before the pressure has a dangerous effect.   They did not evolve but were engineered on their section of the world by the Xadia Ancients. There is only 1 artifact on the planet however, the structure they originated from. This is located near the edge of the ring near a blue navigation light.   This digging also requires a lot of energy. They were given very efficient digestive system, giving them this energy. They can store fat in almost any location of the body. This also gives them a strong heat signature.   Due to this, the tunelling has become a useful asset to them. During wars, they can easily dig through a defensive line that is unprepared and wreck havoc behind enemy lines. A prepared line however will detect their heat signatures and decimate them using sonic cannons.   Furthermore, their bodies use a lot of oxygen while digging. Their lungs can safely compress air into very high densities to store a large amount of air.   In their culture, they have experienced many aspects of underground warfare a large number of times and are experienced in it. Although other species on the ring world eventually figured out how to defeat them, with much effort, they could far more effectively fight their own kind.   Before the Leosus Federation was established, they formed a highly capitalist society. The large corporations ruling over their society were defeated by the wider federation, meaning they eventually joined the federation.

Basic Information


They are often tall and slim to reduce the ground resistance when tunelling.

Genetics and Reproduction

They have both female and male sexes. They can lay eggs shallow underground to protect them from outside forces. They are shallow because their babies dont know how to tunnel at birth.   The parents check on the eggs about once every 2 days at least. When the egg starts to show signs of hatching soon, they often spend as much time with it as they can, to help the baby out of the ground when it hatches.

Ecology and Habitats

Most Togroid houses are built on the surface for comfort. However, there are also underground houses in Togroid society.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have eyes, but while underground rely primarily on sonic echolocation. This allows them to locate objects underground. They can emit sound waves (active sonar) and recieve them. As all species create ground shockwaves when they walk, a Togroid can easily pinpoint their locations even when not actively emitting waves.
Average Height
2.4 m
Geographic Distribution


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