True Invisibility

Very rare birth condition that effects about 1 in 100 Irziell.   True Invisibility will modify the refractive index of irziell body tissue, making any light that passes through almost unaffected. This means that the person is almost completely invisible through normal means, often requiring equipment such as infrared or some kinds of radar to spot them. They still make sounds like any other person. They can still make themselves visible though, by wearing clothes, in which case most people would see floating clothes but irziells are highly used to it and will know its a truly inviisble irziell.   However, the term 'true invisibility' is a misnomer, as it just makes the person even more difficult to see. People with this condition are sometimes employed by the Hyperion Federation as spies or as solders. Both of these professions have obvious uses for the invisibility.

Cultural Reception

It was regarded in irziell culure before they advanced technologically as a way to recognise one's 'purity'. People with this condition were seen as having a more clean soul. Though they eventually found out after advances in science, truly invisible irziell are still oftentreated slightly differently from regular irziell.
Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species


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