U1D1 Heavy Tank

A heavy tank designed and used by the Eprus nation industrial era of the Tebburus Unification War  The most obviously recognisable feature of this tank was it's multi turreted nature. It had a frontal turret where the main weapon, a 50mm rifled cannon, is mounted, and a similar rear turret with a smaller secondary 30mm weapon with a higher fire rate which is mounted in a way that allows it to fire over the primary turret. It also featured a large number of machine guns most of which had their own turrets. The main and secondary weapons had their own coaxial machine guns.    All of this armament caused the tank to be very large. It was intended to be able to serve on the front with less support, but this wouldn't work as many weapons which could counter tanks would still counter the U1D1. Due to this, and it's very slow speed, it was primarily a stopgap tank. It did see action in some specific battles but only 83 were built. Of those 12 remain in the world, mostly in museums. It would however have some influence in other tank designs around the planet. It became the main inspiration for other multi turreted tanks but it would soon become apparent that it was more effective to have only a single weapon.
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