A main battle tank that was often used by the Tastein nation during the Tebburus Unification War information age.    The UE-5 entered service shortly before the AI uprising, known as the Mainframe (not to be confused with the HEX Mainframe). It would prove to serve important roles during this war, so several thousand of these tanks would be be built by the Fusion era, where they were replaced. After that, Tastein traded them for other goods with smaller nations.   The first versions of the UE-5 had a highly powerful 98mm gun that could fire projectiles to very high velocities so despite its seemingly low caliber it could penetrate armour effectively. This type of weapon had a long barrel to help it achieve such a high velocity and accuracy. Its armour was also quite good for its era, being reinforced by a highly advanced composite and incorporating airgaps to counter spalling or similar kinds of HEAT warheads. Being an MBT, it also had a decent speed, and so the UE-5 was called one of the best tanks of its time.   It had a crew of 4, a gunner, commander, loader and driver. They have also seen many parades around Tastein. Some other nations have captured a number of them, and they too sometimes put them on parade. They do this partly as a form of propaganda, and partly because of the culture of the species. However, it did have a pretty significant weak spot, a bullet trap just under the turret front. This was mostly fixed in later versions, though, to a pretty high degree of sucess.   Now they are seen almost exclusively in museums or in various displays.
Owning Organization


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