Vavak Medium Tank

A medium tank constructed and used by the Aswiun nation of the Tebburus Unification War during the industrial era.   The Vavak's most obvious feature is the dual main armament. It has 2 weapons mounted in a single turret which gave it some utility. For example one weapon could cover the other while it reloads. Several thousand were produced but it never managed to replace the nation's most widely produced medium tank at the time. This is partly due to the sheer space that both the breech ends of the weapons take up in the hull which takes much longer to reload. Especially the weapon which is mounted opposite the loader, which makes him move around the interior to reload the breech.   The tank still saw decent success and this disadvantage could be reduced by attempting to fire the right hand cannon more often than the left hand cannon.It was still usable as a regular medium tank. Reliable, strong and decently fast, it could perform many roles effectively and, like other medium tanks, would be a highly effective multirole tank. It would come in several different versions labelled from 1-7, most of which would either improve its firepower or armour protection. For example, a coating that would make it more difficult for magnetic anti tank mines to stick to the hull.   About 80 are left, most of them now being museum displays.


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