Wormhole Fabricator

Technology used by the Cypher Dominion to create and sustain wormholes.   The Wormhole Fabricator takes up a massive number of applications, such as powering starships by sending energy through a wormhole from a static facility well within CD territory, FTL travel and communication and for teleportation. Even the Hyperion Federation has not been able to replicate Wormhole Fabricators, leading the CD to attempt claims that CD technology is superior to that of the HF. This is not true for the most part, but it can be effective propaganda anyway.   It works by using Graviton Wave Refraction to hypercompress a large number of gravitons into an extremely small point where the wormhole is intended to form. This warps space so much that it creates a black hole, and then the Fabricator continues gravity manipulation but starts redirecting the gravitons into very precise points within the black hole, which effectively 'steers' the warping of space until it reaches the regular plane again at the desired location, which converts the black hole into a wormhole with that point as its destination.


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