XN-43 Autocannon

A small, 40mm powerful autocannon designed with a fast fire rate by the Hyperion Federation.   The XN-43, despite the extreme recoil, is designed to be man-portable and entirely operable with one person. Although the weapon is too heavy for most species to even carry, it is still usable for anyone wearing a H-37 Cyber Suit. As this suit carries all the weight of the weapon, this allows the user to carry both the weapon and withstand its extreme recoil (only when the user crouches into a specific position that allows the cyber suit to take the force of recoil). Additionally, it is magazine fed, which allows it to achieve high fire rates. When used in mass, a squad outfitted with XN-43s can deliver a tremendous firepower output. However, as the magazines for the weapon are very large, it can be very difficult to manage logistics with this weapon. It also requires a lot of energy to function.   The shells are filled with a special kind of QCD matter bomb that encases a powerful explosive in layers of very thin QCD matter. As this explodes, it transfers energy to the neutrons in the QCD matter which causes it to fire neutrons off in all directions. These neutrons are of a particularly high energy, so they penetrate most matter and cause extreme damage to biological tissue and causes interference in computers. Before detonation, however, this QCD matter is used instead as a highly dense, very strong material that can relatively easily penetrate most armour, allowing the weapon to penetrate medium armour of high tech enemies and heavy armour of low tech enemies.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Owning Organization


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