Astrology | Thicket of Thorns


Watching the skies for signs is an ancient concept, dating back at least as far as the written word. Calculations as to the movements of constellations and celestial bodies led to the invention of much early mathematics. Even cultures of Mesopotamia figured out how the rotation of the sky must mean that it moves in a sphere.   Many only think of astrology as the horoscopes you read in a newspaper. Still, the actual calculations and charts are much more complex, and the resulting predictions are applied in a myriad of ways. There have been attempts at pre-writing calendars of prophecies and omens, but they are rarely correct in all forms. Of course, this is often because the calculations are made by someone using mere mathematics, charts, and observations - not pulling on the Branches of Thorns.


The earliest forms of astrology came to be in the earliest civilisations in Mesopotamia and spread from there. Three significant branches spread at first, one towards Asia and India in particular. Another one spread south through Africa where it mingled with more animistic faiths - and this is also much of what then spread to the Americas. The third branch spread, especially with Egypt, Greece, and then Rome throughout Europe.   The first laid the foundation for many studies about the effects on the world and is more often connected to the Alchemy Branch than the other groups. The African and American versions are usually used with either the Death or Fate Branch. The European one focused on time and destiny of important people and thus is mostly focused on the Fate Branch, but also the Desire Branch to some extent.

Components and tools

Being able to observe the sky is vital for using astrology to accomplish anything. And to draw on the understanding of anything not directly visible at the time, the practitioner would keep star charts and pre-calculated tables. Modern ones might also use GPS and computer simulations of the solar system. For the sake of pulling on Branches, the methods are less important than the intent.  
Example of an astrological chart


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