Lands of Autumn | Thicket of Thorns

Lands of Autumn

Colourful leaves cover the damp forest floor. Fungi of every kind find their way to the surface. Chestnuts bombard those walking past.   There are many giant trees here, with streams running between their roots, seemingly with no reasonable source or end. Stone bridges cross these streams to provide safe travel.   Autumn carries an air of death and decay, but also feeding a new generation. It ties together the threads of Fate. Many Hags, including the legendary Baba Yaga, live here for this reason. The landscape itself makes way for trolls, exacting their toll from under bridges. Gemstone golems and even dryads often call these lands home as well.


The Lands of Autumn are mostly forest, but with plenty of swamps, lakes, and more. All of it is damp from rain even on sunny days and everywhere are signs of decay and rotting. Plants grow to maturity within a day or two, only to spend months withering away. Bugs, fungi, and carrion all thrive and can be twisted into very strange beasts by the nature of Faerie.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
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