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Erwin Seq

Erwin Seq

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fairly Standard build. Healthy but slightly on the thinner side.

Facial Features

Light brown hair, dark brown eyes, with a somewhat plain expression on his face.

Identifying Characteristics

Looks a bit like a cleric with the symbol of his god close at hand. Typically has on cloth that is slightly too large for his body

Physical quirks

Plain expression at any given moment except whenever there's a topic of interest for him to chime in on, in which case he's fairly expressive to some people's surprise.

Apparel & Accessories

A large leather coat with sections of homemade steel plating covering vital areas of his body. Underneath the cloak is the apparel he wore at his monastery under Linium, which is large and not form fitting, but comfortable. Outside of his cloak is a large red scarf which seems slightly tattered and several belts which hold pouches for tools and other items.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Erwin was birthed from two human parents, Beanna and Charles Seq. It is said that Aasimar can suddenly appear from two seemingly non-Aasimar couples, their heritage lying dormant for many generations before suddenly appearing again. His birth was especially significant to these two because they were both members of a clergy belonging to the god of justice and nobility, Gerana. While clearly adept in the ways of a cleric, Erwin was much more interested in crafting and the creation of inventions and objects. He enjoyed artificey and inscribing runes much more than prayer to the family's god. This was not in defiance of them of course; Erwin respected all the gods, no matter the former practice they represented. He was simply not as devout as one might expect from an angelic race such as an Aasimar. Many within the faith, including his own parents, believed him to be an anomaly, but it wasn't long until word passed Erwin of a god that appreciated and in fact brought the joys of invention into the world they live in. Linium, the Forgefather.   Since learning of the god and his miraculous creations and stories, Erwin has devoutly followed them, hoping to bring the world a similar joy that his god has. He could not do this within the confines of a church, and so left his parents to explore the world and see and learn from other crafters and adventurers.   During his travels however, Erwin has found the troubles of the world. He was captured during a small raid conducted on a village he was staying for the night and was nearly burned alive before convincing the heathens that he'd be able to heal the wounded and allow them to leave with many valuables before leaving him beaten half alive. since then, Erwin has been more cautious around fire and generally more dedicated to keeping order a key priority to his practices.


Was taught under The Church of Geranaat a young age and then relocated to the teachings of Linium which taught him more on the fundamentality of crafting and inventions.


Works as a traveling craftsman, making trinkets and small tools for people who find themselves in need of them.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Each person Erwin shows the ways of artifice and crafting, he feels a great amount of accomplishment knowing that his god has received one more potential follower.

Failures & Embarrassments

When he tried to help a small village from a bandit invasion only to be nearly burned alive himself.

Mental Trauma

Erwin is afraid of a fiery death. Even when working with the forges, he is still wary of the flames.

Morality & Philosophy

Erwin is very much so a peace-loving man. He wants to keep the world in order while also progressing it further to a greater age with both inventions that currently exist and ones that have not yet been made. He's more pacifistic in nature, and doesn't want to bring death unnecessarily where it can be prevented, but also realizes that not all situations can be won without a blood shed.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Crafting of any sort and teaching said crafting The Gods Strategy A good bowl of beef stew and potatoes Research Libraries   Dislikes: Fire Chaos Extremists for the gods Overcooked pastas Those who are stuck in tradition Fighting arenas


Religious Views

Erwin follows the Forgefather Linium. He is known for bringing the wonderment of invention and creation to man and rules over the domains of Artifice, Fire, Law, and Rune. It's said that he was once a distant god who didn't trifle with the world of man but soon after an event which caused the world to die, he as well as many other gods felt the pain of failure and began a new life as a dedicated deity.   Because of the world he brought, inventions of significant magnitude are being created not by him, but from the followers who work under his guidance. Blacksmiths strike their anvil and bend the will of the forge's heat to create strong weapons and armor, carpenters and others who work in construction build huge towering structures the rival mountains, researchers of runes and artifice use both magic and research to forge them from unruly strings of chaos to controlled and easily useable tools for the world to control.   It is said that once every decade, he takes the guise of an elderly blacksmith in order to establish a smithy in some remote location. He will work tirelessly for one year, and if he is well treated he will bless the community with wonderful creations that will guarantee a generation of prosperity. Those that treat the Forgefather poorly will find themselves taken into slavery, to work their lives away for no purpose.

A traveling cleric who wants to show the world the joys and wonderment of the Forgefather Linium

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Dark Brown
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Sylvan

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