Aeloria Settlement in Thoia | World Anvil

Aeloria (Lee ore a)

This mature community is a marvel of elven ingenuity and harmony with nature. Nestled high among the ancient branches of the Eldertree Forest, Aeloria is a wood elf haven suspended in the emerald canopy.   Connected by a network of gracefully arched bridges crafted from living vines and ethereal elven magic, the tree houses of Aeloria are woven seamlessly into the foliage, creating a city that breathes with the rhythm of the forest. The homes, suspended from the boughs of Eldertrees, boast intricate wooden carvings and are adorned with hanging gardens of luminescent flowers that glow softly in the moonlight.   The Elder's Grove serves as the seat of elven leadership, a majestic tree house at the city's core, whose roots extend down to touch the forest floor. The Lord and Lady of Aeloria live here, surrounded by the whispers of ancient trees and the soft glow of magical lanterns.   A network of platforms and suspended walkways connects the various districts of Aeloria.   At night, Aeloria comes alive with the gentle glow of bioluminescent plants and the enchanting melody of elven song. The city seems to float among the stars, a celestial haven nestled within the embrace of the Eldertrees.   Aeloria stands as a testament to the wood elves' deep connection with the forest, a city where the boundaries between architecture and nature blur, creating a living testament to the beauty and magic of elven life.


(78% elves, 7% halflings, 6% dwarves, 4% gnome, 5% other races)


The Lord Hyacinth Starwhisper and Lady Marigold Starwhisper rule with a tight fist, they take their laws seroisly and won't let anyone get away with breaking them.


There is no buldings on the ground and there is a constance guard presence

Industry & Trade

The area has a plentaful suply of fowl, venison, furs, pelts and lumber that they trade with other places. Lacking but Accessible. The city might have most of its needs covered but lacks in one or more elements of value. Fortunately, routes for trade to other locations are easily made, and it is a frequent traveling stop.


Streetlights are powered by continual flame spells.


Wharf- A fisher’s wharf is typically the smallest and least funded of docks districts, often only possessing enough warehousing to manage the daily catch and relying on exporting ships to offload the excess. Folks residing here typically live poor, squalid lifestyles and frequently turn to crime when their trade fails to put bread on the dinner table.   Government District:
Castle- These extensively fortified compounds almost function as independent communities. Most have a throne room from where the ruler addresses the citizens, along with meeting chambers, feasting halls, and a private residence for the ruler and their families.   Guard District:
Military Garrison- If the city is home to the royal family or is the capital city of the realm, housing its seat of the government, the city guard might be a dedicated branch of the military tasked with overseeing the safety of the city and its citizens. In this case, the guard district might take up a much larger portion of the city or might even consist of a fort or other heavily fortified complex. The headquarters, prison, barracks, and stables are all part of the military garrison, all kept within (or in proximity to) any protective walls. Hundreds of guards might be found in such a garrison at any given time, so infiltrating such a stronghold would prove challenging.   Market District:
Permanent Shops and Storefronts- Most cities or towns of any notable size have a permanent market district made up of shops and storefronts near one another. While there still might be general stores and shops for common goods, these storefronts allow for a much more specialised approach, with shops dedicated to specific, niche markets supporting a much more discerning clientele. These shops might be found clustered around the town square or along the most well-travelled street, and a larger city might have several market districts that cater to different economic brackets. This market district might also include housing, either as flats above the shops themselves (rented out or lived in by the shopkeeper) or interspersed between or behind the shops.
Temporary Market- The temporary market serves multiple purposes and can be found in any city or town, from the smallest hamlet to the largest metropolis. Whether it’s weekly, monthly, or just once a year, the temporary market might only last for a day or two, but it offers products not found regularly in the established local market. In a smaller town, that could simply mean fresh produce, new livestock, flowers, and other seasonal goods from the local farms or from outside the immediate area. In a larger city, a temporary market might be a week-long affair with vendors and craftsmen from far and wide with uncommon goods both mundane and magical.   Religious District:
A place where all the main temples reside.   Residential Districts:
Neighborhood Structure- Rather than have specific wards or districts, some cities have zones of wealth and disparity. In this model, gatherings of social communities inhabit numerous stylized neighbourhoods throughout the city. Members of different social groups commonly interact, and at times, individuals might find it difficult to tell one neighbourhood apart from another. A community’s ability to provide residents with food, clothing, and shelter determines its capacity. While income and wealth influence this capacity, they might not be the dominant factor. Alternate economies can influence the capacity, as can the availability of space for housing, independent food production, potential resources, and potential for economic growth.
  Sewer/Underbelly District:
The best place for illegal goings on
Subterraneans- These communities can consist of various peoples. If they weren’t before, they quickly acclimate to life in darkness and confined spaces and filth. Rumours often surface of powerful druids in these communities capable of commanding swarms of rats, roaches, and other vermin.


Docks District:
Courier Outpost- The Falcon Postal Service
Fishmongers- Aquarius Harvests
Marina- Aeloria's Marina
Trading Company- Mystic Trade Ventures HQ
Airship Port- Aeloria's Airship Port   Government District:
Castle- The Elder's Grove   Businesses:
Modest Inns- Tranquil Hearth Inn
Comfortable Inns- Serenity Haven Inn
Wealthy Inns- Opulent Oasis Retreat
Modest Taverns- Cosy Hearth Tavern
Comfortable Taverns- Gentle Breeze Tavern
Wealthy Taverns- Golden Chalice Tavern   Municipal Buildings:
Archive- Luna Archive
Gallows- the gallows are located in the main square of the government district, enabling citizens to witness the consequences of breaking city law. Gallows consist of an elevated wooden or stone platform topped with a chopping block.
Jail- Harmony Hold   Municipal Offices:
Court Offices (an off shoot of the castle)- court offices hold court records, wills, treatises, legal documents, and references on law and adjudication.
Currency Exchange- exchanges swap out foreign coins for local currency.
Notary Public- an official court representative seals letters or notarizes documents such as deeds and trade agreements for a fee.
Pardon Seller- individuals can pay steep fees to purchase official pardons for lesser, non-violent crimes such as tax delinquency, breaking curfew, or lying under oath in some cities. Certain officials might also sell pardons to licence activities such as trespassing, breaking-and-entering, search and seizure, assault, and manslaughter that might occur due to a private investigation, debt collection, mercenary work, or bounty hunting.
Property Offices- property offices are responsible for licensing and selling property and for holding deeds, records of land sales, and taxation of property.
Tax Office (an off shoot of the castle)- the office runs the city’s tax collection services and processes all paperwork or bookkeeping associated with taxation. They also issue warrants and fines for any unpaid taxes, tax fraud, or evasion.   Guard District:
Guard Barracks/Headquarters- the guard barracks is apart of the headquarters complex. A set of buildings kept for housing the members of the guard, a mess hall, and a training yard. Guards can be found in the barracks at any time, day or night, either on shift or off. Typically, the headquarters holds the offices of the high-ranking guards and any administrative members of the organisation. Guards might report to headquarters before and after shifts to check in with their superiors or to retrieve or return issued equipment. Any records, such as arrest records, guard rosters, shift rotations, and incident reports are kept at the guard headquarters, and any evidence collected over the course of an investigation can also be found here, likely under lock and key. The headquarters is typically teeming with guards, both on and off duty. Attempting any sort of criminal activity or disruptive shenanigans within or near the headquarters likely results in a quick response from the guard.
Guard Stations- like sentry boxes, guard stations can be found anywhere in a city, set at high-traffic areas to monitor the populace and discourage ne’er-do-wells. Holding anywhere from one to six guards at a time, a guard station might have a small holding cell for particularly disruptive or violent criminals and magical means of contacting headquarters to call for backup whenever necessary. Citizens can approach a guard station for aid or to report crimes.
Kennels- the kennels are near the headquarters and house one or more trainers and handlers on the property.
Prison- Sylvan Sanctum
Sentry Box- a sentry box is a small structure with a roof and an open side, typically meant for one guard to take shelter from the elements. Sentry boxes can be found in front of important buildings or at the corners of busy intersections.
Stables- The stables are used to house the guard’s mounts. Stalls that measure 12–14 feet square. The stables also include a yard for the exercise and training of the mounts, and one or more handlers who are proficient in the care of the mounts stay on the premises.
Blacksmith- Forgefire Smithy
Magic Shop- Arcane Emporium
Poor Tavern- Humble Haven
Modest Tavern- Rustic Hearth Tavern
Casino- Enchanted Elysium Casino
Arena/Coliseum- Aeloria's Arena   Market District:
Carpenter- Timber Craft Studios
Bakery- Golden Crust Bakery
Butchers- Prime Cuts Butchery
Apothecary- Verdant Remedies Apothecary
Tailors- Silken Stitches Tailoring
Toy Shop- Whimsical Wonders Toy Emporium
Potters- Earthen Artistry Pottery Studio
Glassworks- Crystal Cascades Glassworks
Leatherworker- Craftsman's Hide Leatherworks
Tanner- Pelt & Hide Tannery
Tinker/Workshop- Gizmo Grove Tinkers
Jeweller- Gemstone Gaze Jewellers
Cobbler- Solecraft Cobbler's Corner
Barber- Heritage Clippers & Co.
Cafe- Enchanted Elixirs
Cafe- Dreamweaver's Delight
Post Office/Bird Mail- The Falcon Postal Service
Brewery- Ale & Anvil
Florists- Blossom Blooms
Warehouses   Religious District:
Temples- Nuara, Brytia, OemisKrumis, Qrodea, Rugnas and Aeus.
Graveyard- this is not in the main city, but rather on the other side of the wall with a gate into this district   Residential Districts:
Art Gallery- Ethereal Expressions
Asylum- Arcane Haven
Bathhouse- Aqua Arcanum
Brothel- The Palace
City Watch Station- Some districts build guardhouses. Larger cities might offer guards a communal place of residence within a district they service. Others might build smaller huts as check-in stations or offices.
Coach House- A facility found in wealthy neighbourhoods where the aristocracy can rent fancy horse-drawn coaches. The coach house also provides drivers and has connections to respectable bodyguards to protect wealthy or famous clientele.
Courier’s Office- The Falcon Postal Service
Flophouse- Shadow's Respite
Library- Athenaeum Haven
Livery Stable- A facility dedicated to the renting of horses or other animal-drawn transport, which might also care for and stable privately owned horses.
Museum- Loreweaver's Arcanum
Orphanage- Harmony Haven
Sanatorium- Serenity Heights Sanatorium
Theatre- Starlight Pavilion
Wells- there're all over the residential area's   Different Living Places:
Shacks- These buildings have a single multifunction room and are situated on a communal property owned by a wealthy landowner. Residents pay the landowner by providing a service or tribute for the plot on the shared property.
Cottages- Slightly larger than a shack, perhaps with a separate room for sleeping, cottages sit on small plots of land and are often leased from the owner. In more upscale communities, a wealthy landowner might have a cottage or two used to house servants. Those from the working class that serve wealthier individuals might have managed to scrape enough together to buy a small cottage in or near a wealthier district.
Row Houses- These homes share external walls, though they have separate facades and private entrances. A row of homes runs the length of the block. They are common in many wards in large or overcrowded cities.
Tenements- Tenements consist of large stone or brick multifamily dwellings too-often owned by greedy aristocrats whose residents pay their leases with indentured labour or garnished wages and commodities. The civic structure sets the standards for lease agreements and regulates them with law enforcement.
House- In wealthy communities, individuals own homes with properties that accommodate families. A house might serve as a multifamily dwelling in poorer communities. Such homes become available only after wealthy individuals vacate a neighbourhood following a downward shift in the community.
Manse- Upper aristocracy frequently built grandiose, ostentatiously decorated homes with multiple rooms. In addition to family members, a manse requires a bailiff and other house staff to maintain.   Sewer/Underbelly District:
Black Market- Shadow Bazaar
Illegal Fight Pit- its a sand pit with a fence around the top
Inn- Shady Rest Inn

Guilds and Factions

Trading Company- Mystic Trade Ventures

Points of interest

The city is adorned with cascading waterfalls that descend from the highest branches, nourishing the vibrant array of flora that thrives in this arboreal city.


This town is the halfway point between a major city and a port town, and it makes a good resting point for travelers.


The buldings are appart of the trees or held by them, magic and vines are the most common part of this city. Proper drainage is also in effect to mitigate flooding and freezing below the trees.


The area is thick forests, with a river as the main water sorce.


Aeloria is effected by an continental climate. Located away from large ocean bodies, cities in continental regions experience significant seasonal temperatures. While spring and autumn are enjoyably mild, summer and winter are conversely drastic. Winds strong enough to topple structures or cause tornados are cause for concern throughout the year, while high heat in the summer and blizzards and extreme cold temperatures in the winter create disaster scenarios. Citizens prefer to wear wool and warm fur layered over cotton to combat the cold, and they disrobe in layers in response to summer temperatures and exertion.

Natural Resources

The area has a different animals and wood that are native to this area


  • Aeloria
    Connected by a network of gracefully arched bridges crafted from living vines and ethereal elven magic, the tree houses of Aeloria are woven seamlessly into the foliage, creating a city that breathes with the rhythm of the forest. The homes, suspended from the boughs of Eldertrees, boast intricate wooden carvings and are adorned with hanging gardens of luminescent flowers that glow softly in the moonlight.   The Elder's Grove serves as the seat of elven leadership, a majestic tree house at the city's core, whose roots extend down to touch the forest floor. The Lord and Lady of Aeloria live here, surrounded by the whispers of ancient trees and the soft glow of magical lanterns.   A network of platforms and suspended walkways connects the various districts of Aeloria.   At night, Aeloria comes alive with the gentle glow of bioluminescent plants and the enchanting melody of elven song. The city seems to float among the stars, a celestial haven nestled within the embrace of the Eldertrees.
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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