Cult of Baphomet

Baphomet had a multitude of minotaur, ogre, and giant followers and minions. He was also served by ghour demons, a race of demons resembling burly, hairless minotaurs that commanded troops of these mortal minions. He sought to use them to further his schemes, notably to gain the upper hand in his battles against Yeenoghu. A multitude of other twisted creatures revered Baphomet as well, some becoming his thralls, and if they pleased their bestial patron, they would be granted rulership of a portion of the Endless Maze. Those who displeased Baphomet were eaten.   Cult of Baphomet:
Baphomet increasingly attracted a following amongst minotaurs. A multitude of other twisted creatures revered Baphomet as well, some becoming his thralls, and if they pleased their bestial patron, they would be granted rulership of a portion of the Endless Maze. Those who displeased Baphomet were eaten, of course.   Baphomet granted spells as a lesser deity and had as his symbol a twisted circular maze awash in blood.
Religious, Cult


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