Cult of Orcus

Worship of Orcus was spread across numerous isolated cults that operated independently of one another. They operated within the shadows of society, often congregating in locales linked to the dead, including graveyards and secluded tombs.   His worship often attracted malevolent humans, orcs, ogres, giants, and goblinoids, along with at least one line of lineage of red dragons. His cults also attracted twisted creatures with a morbid fascination undeath. Notable among these followers were necromancers and others deliberately seeking the path to unlife via lichdom or vampirism. Among the undead that dwelled within Orcus' palace or otherwise joined his armies were were zombies, wights, shadows, huecuvae, nightwalkers, sheet phantoms, and death knights.   Leaders within the various cults of Orcus were known as Skull Lords. To attain this title, Orcus' followers were tasked with taking control of a horde of undead from the Plains of Hunger and setting them loose upon in an invasion upon the prime material plane. Those that failed were slain and raised as liches, doomed to dwell within Thanatos for eternity.   Regions:
Orcus had cults dedicated to his worship all across Faerûn, including the realms of Vaasa and Damara. In the Bloodstone Lands, Orcus' worship was coordinated by the Cult of the Goat's Head, and in the Neverwinter Wood, by the Hunt Lords. Despite its transformation into a realm of undeath, Orcus viewed Thay under the Szass Tam as a mere petty fiefdom.   Temples of Orcus could be found throughout the many plans of existence, including at least one on Toril in the caverns of Deepearth.   His influence was not limited to the Abyss and the Prime Material Plane. Many of Orcus' dark servants spread out across the Shadowfell, determined to commit horrific deeds in his name. In the Shadowfell, Orcus' cultists took over the dark settlements of Moil, and Evernight, the dark echo of Neverwinter in Faerûn. Several Shadowfell cults even banded together for a time to raise up Orcus as a new God of Death, to take the place of the Raven Queen, going so far as to scour the Plane of Dreams for clues to their quest.   Symbols:
Orcus' holy symbol was described as the horned head of a goat, sometimes set over a skull-topped mace. This symbol was not universally used throughout his cult however. Some cells adopted similar, but distinctly different iconography.   Notable Worshipers of Orcus:
  • Banak, high priest of Orcus in the Bloodstone Lands
  • Doresain, Orcus' exarch; an elf that feasted upon of flesh of others to become the first ghoul in existence.
  • Ghur-Tha the Cleaver, leader of the Ragnor tribe of the Firward Mountains.
  • Kel'zull, the Hierophant of Annihilation.
  • Kyuss, an elder evil that was believed to have once been a priest of Orcus.
  • Malagors the Corpse King, a priest that committed horrific deeds and was rewarded by Orcus with transformation into a demon.
  • Soneillon, the succubus Queen of Whispers that claimed Orcus as her patron.
  • Zargash, a priest of Orcus and member of the League of Malevolence.
  • Zhengyi, the Witch-King of Vaasa.
Religious, Cult


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