Cult of Pazuzu

Throughout his thousands of years of existence, Pazuzu perfected his craft of seduction through benevolent means. Under the guise of Imdugud, Pazrael, and Typhon, the Corrupter would answer the hard-sought prayers of mortals, granting them blessings and salvation, all the while leading them further and further down the path to hell—or rather, his abyssal plane. The victims remained as unwitting accomplices to the spreading of Pazuzu's cults and worship.   Pazuzu was the lord of all evil flying creatures. His worshipers included kenku, harpies, gargoyles, manticores, wyverns, and sometimes evil fey or dragons. His temples lay in areas unreachable by those incapable of flight: in wildernesses, atop cliffs, or on mountain peaks. Some tanar'ri priests were known to pledge themselves to the service of his Pazrael aspect.   Pazuzu might also answer anyone who uttered his name, or one of his aliases, three times in succession. This type of summons formed a link between the demon lord and the victim, across any distance or the planes. This link provided Pazuzu with the ability to read the thoughts of the summoner, determine their intentions, and appear directly beside them at will. Pazuzu typically granted aid at much cost to the victim, and would grant this aid repeatedly, establishing a dependence on Pazuzu's services. Through one victim, the Corrupter could reach others, spreading through whole communities.
Religious, Cult


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