Cult of the Demogorgon

Demogorgon's cult was relatively small compared to "true" deities, but much larger than those of most fiends. He was worshiped by the intelligent manta ray race known as ixitxachitls, who drew power from the Abyss itself in order to become more powerful spellcasters. In turn, vital energy drained by vampiric ixitxachitls was transferred directly to Demogorgon via an unknown Abyssal mechanism.   Demogorgon's other worshipers included troglodytes, kuo-toa, and other humanoids, particularly evil humans. His cult prospered in times of chaos and caused great destruction wherever it was found. Temples to Demogorgon were split in half, with one side representing Aameul and the other representing Hethradiah. Demogorgon's domains were Chaos, Corruption, Demonic, and Evil. His symbol was that of a forked tail, often wrapped around a skull or sword.   Demogorgon was sufficiently powerful to offer patronage pacts with warlocks, who usually kept quasits as familiars. His most devout followers were granted magic boons, such as an aspect of his dual minds that conferred resistance to mind-affecting effects. Their signature spells mimicked Demogorgon's own abilities, such as charm person, enlarge/reduce, and vampiric touch.   Aspects:
Mortals could not summon Demogorgon himself, but the most pious could use sacrifice to summon a temporary aspect of Demogorgon. The aspect was smaller and not as powerful as Demogorgon. An aspect of Demogorgon was always unbalanced, taking after one head more than the other.
Religious, Cult


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