Cult of Yeenoghu

Yeenoghu's worshipers mostly consisted of gnolls, although he accepted servants from all races, known as Fangs. Yeenoghu possessed a personal honor guard of sixty-six gnolls that he could summon onto the battlefield to aid him, although this small legion was primarily for show. The Claws of Fury were his elite combat force, comprised of extremely capable gnoll warriors.[8] He was also capable of calling upon various demons to serve his goals including the shoosuva and leucrotta creatures completely loyal to his wishes. Yeenoghu also had ghoul worshipers in part because of the consumption of intelligent beings was part of his doctrine and also because of his subjugation of the Ghoul King.   Ritual:
It was the duty of Yeenoghu's faithful to oppose the hordes of Gorellik and the entities of giant pantheons. His servants were commanded to conduct live sacrifices in wilderness regions upon stone altars. Dress code of his shamans involved dark brown robes with manged yellow fur outlines. These clothes were not allowed to be cleaned, resulting in an incredible stench hanging off his worshipers. Yeenoghu implanted a constant nagging need for intelligent flesh in the minds of his creations and devoted, as only through its consumption could he find complacency for his hunger. Thus, the devouring of human flesh was also an important ritual within his cults. Many gnolls also participated in other rituals involving self-mutilation and various acts of depravity.
Religious, Cult


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