Cult of Zuggtmoy

Zuggtmoy had a difficult time establishing effective cults in the Prime Material Plane, as worshiping fungi was not too appealing to the majority of humanoids. To counteract this, the Lady of Fungi was often worshiped through fake cults led by her few actual worshipers and manipulated in ways that supported her own initiatives.   Though small, there were some rare sects of devout fungi-worshipers, comprised mostly of misguided druids, clerics, and, to a lesser degree, maddened academics such as wizards. These insular collections often fantasized about the domination of fungi over their local surroundings.   In counterbalance to this, many more of her cultists followed her unwillingly and unknowingly, having somehow become infected with her spores, becoming either mind-controlled or transformed and serving as extensions of her will until they were utterly consumed. Like herself, they often exhibited only the illusion of normal sensibilities.   Zuggtmoy's influence extended most prominently with fungi themselves, with her ability to exert her will to demand their servitude and assistance. Alongside this, the demon lady, with the power of her status, could field powerful demons of varying strengths.
Religious, Cult


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