Session 13: More Shopping! Report

General Summary

21th Of Moonshadow, 150 AES
  • Darian, Robin and Abby plan to make their way to the magic shop
  • Ody stays outside picking up trash
  • Wood elf shopkeeper, reading behind the counter
  • Abby tells them of the party's problem with creatures with the ability to not stick on this plane
  • Shopkeeper speaks of “Dimensional Shackles” says to take a look around whilst he looks
  • Suggests not to do any funny business, because of a Clay Golem which is “good at his job”
  • Abby looks at Darian like “don't steal anything.”
  • Shopkeeper comes back with shackles, they're 3,000gp
  • Guard Discount: making it 1,000gp
  • The Soul Monocle is worth 2,500gp
  • Shopkeeper gives 1,500gp back
  • Item to protect the mind from mind reading, spoken telepathically too
  • Abby asks about potions
  • Alchemist and Shopkeeper are partners
  • Vial with a pearlescent liquid with little smell but tastes kinda odd - enhances strength
  • Also speaks about a wisdom version sold at the alchemists
  • Darian says he will catch up with the party in a bit, keeps browsing
  • The shopkeeper has “Gadgets and Gizmos a plenty, he's got whozits and whatzits galore” in the shop
  • Barrier Tattoo- Uncommon : 600, Rare: 6,000, Very Rare: 30,000
  • Circe meditating and keeping an eye on the party
  • Strun helping around the temple
  • Elven woman is the Alchemist, mentioning the Wisdom potion
  • Tastes like mint, very medicinal in taste to the point your body wants to reject it
  • Gaviscon Potion: Wisdom Potion lasts 1 Hour increases wisdom by 2
  • 1,000gp for 2
  • Name of the Alchemist: Willow Frostflower
  • The disguised group agrees to do some ingredient collecting for her to make up for the price - maybe?
  • 1 hour passes as Darian appears alongside Ody
  • Darians Tattoo: on his back the tattoo looks like a crab whose pincers go down his arms.
  • Is handed potions and a shopping list to collect herbs + giant toenails
  • Willow wishes us luck in our endeavours
  • They begin heading back to the temple
  • Circe helps out around the temple
  • Strun talks to one of the priestesses, mainly about faith
  • Strun having essentially a crisis, that what they know might be wrong
  • Circe does her best advice to Strun about adapting to change
  • Strun makes a “deal” about making an attempt to care if they all survive
  • Sky takes on a purplish tint, purple lightning. Not hitting anyone, looks angry
  • 2 week time limit on Quest.
  • Circe is taking 1 of the Gaviscon Potions
  • Aim for Succubus with Hypnotic Pattern
  • “Go for the Eyes” - word for Hypnotic Pattern
  • Planning pt 3
  • Tahlia shows up and offers to play music
  • Says they have Hellhounds and Quasits
  • Festival Time!!!
  • Autumn vibes in the garden of the festival
  • Circe speaks to Daphne, warning her of the problems
  • Robin suggests getting to know one another
  • Robin: mother died in childbirth, dad was an asshole and was put into an orphanage. Snook around, Priestess found them and changed their view of the world. Trained Robin until they became a guard.
  • Abby: normal life, wanted to become a sorcerer. Desided to fuck around with shit they dont know about, is where they got their magic from. Tried her best to serve a purpose, to not be just another demon. Working up here for a couple years, been a while since she was back home. Hasn’t had much communication with family.
  • Darian: Born underwater to a nice family, stolen away from his home and sold to work as a cabin boy on a pirate ship. Worked his way up the ranks until they got into a fight with an ancient dragon turtle, bad decision. Jumped ship. Got separated, ended up in a port city and wound up on a prison cart.
  • Strun: Strun and his sister, the village was destroyed and was found by a group to train both him and his sister to fight and slay monsters. Only thing closest to family, member of group went off to defend his town died, one died to chimaera’s poison, one died to skeletal archer, last one who spoke in his mind was killed by something unknown, sister he hopes is dead and was bitten by a lycanthrope. Noble's son practising necromancy, Strun killed him and was then arrested.
  • Begin discussing if the party has people they care about and if they would die for them.
  • Abby goes off to speak to their patron
  • “Any long term goals?” question is asked
  • Robin wants to know more about the place of birth + information on father
  • Darian wants to make amends
  • Circe wants the world to change
  • Strun is confused (midlife crisis)
  • Abby doesn’t think she has any.
  • Tahlia leaves
  • People decide to retire for the night, Circe stays awake for some time.
  • Koa has insecurities about being an alcoholic.
22nd Of Moonshadow, 150 AES
  • We wake up, and eat breakfast and last minute prep
  • Then we head out before combat ensues
  • Strun hits with gun “Path to the Grave”
  • Bringing Succubi to Tahlia…
  • Now going to the Tavern, before going to the bathhouse
  • We are very clean, Ody is stylish
  • Graz appears, basically threatens and congratulates us at the same time
The Four Elements
Abbadon Emberheart
Lawfull Evil Succubus & Incubus (Faction Agent)
Warlock 4
31 / 31 HP
Chaotic Good Hexblood (Noble)
Wizard 5
37 / 37 HP
Chaotic Good Dragonborn (Inquisitor)
Blood Hunter 4
24 / 24 HP
Darian Vermir
Report Date
15 Jun 2024

Cover image: Thoia by WolfofWinter


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