Session 6: Ships Ahoy Report

General Summary

23rd Duskblade 150AES
  • Party discusses what next
  • Darian hands Koa too Hush for company
  • Party goes shopping
  • Hush gains 10 Vials of Blood
  • Hush buys more daggers
  • Koa is high
  • Robin insights Hush's need for Bag of Colding
  • Travelling
28th Duskblade 150AES
  • Hush Birthday
  37th Duskblade 150AES  
  • We arrive at the city and go to the docks
  • Ships cant guarantee safety due to war
  • Higher number of earth elementals
  Team Questions
  • Robin, Strun, Abby go to ask about murder in city we were in
  • Guards don't seem to know much, but still know more specifics
  • Robin tries to bribe
  • The guards think its a part of serial murders, drained of something but not blood
  • Strun knows its fiendish in nature
  • Interrogation of Abby ensues (kinda)
  • Abby is irked by the conversation
  Team Shipyard
  • Darian, Hush go to see about getting a ship for travel
  • Go to dockmaster
  • Island is named "Island of Eternal Light" tower is nicknamed similar by association
  • Will need to talk to captains to go there
  • Darian hands captain gold piece
  • Darians name is based on a gods name (Dareus, God of Clouds, Weather and Oceans)
  • Heading towards Keelboat
  • Moon elf captain of Talbot
  • Darian is a shipwright
  • "ive always had a yearning to explore" - Darian
  • 42gp for renting ship for two weeks
  • Captain Thelma
  Back Together
  • Everybody joins together on the Talbot
  • Party discusses findings
  • Abby avoiding Hush's question of "is the person still alive" (Hush will remember this)
  • Abby has wings
  • Navigator Gala Bra'lin - Elf
  • Pirates everywhere but not specifics on the lake
  • Hush communicates to Darian
  • "Trust my goal is good" - Darian to Hush
  • Hush shows Darians wanted poster to him in his mind.
  • Hush gets tips for medicine (Doctor)
  • Robin and Darian is learning navigation.
  38th Duskblade 150AES
  • Thunder storm
  • We get through the storm
  1st Moonshadow 150AES - on island
  • We arrive on land after 4 days of travel
  • Mist covering the island
  • glowing vein like lines in rock, marble esc design. Faint glow, dark purple
  • jagged rocks
  • Jadon using blindsight, Abby cast flock of familiars to aid
  • Divine stuff
  • Fog is magic, island is magic
  • we are being watched
  • getting tired, need to rest.
  • Abby looks at souls: Hush: Dark Red + Pulsating Black Strun: Grey, Red + Blue Darian: Brown + Purple, White Robin: Purple + White
  • "whats going on up here" - Therapist Abby
  1st Watch - Strun , Hush
  • visions in mist
  • Hush speaks in Strun's mind
  • "Abby is a fiend of some sort" - Strun.
  • Strun definitely monster hunter.
  2nd Watch pt 1- Robin
  • Visions in mist
  • Silent
  • No visions in day, only night
  2nd Watch pt 2- Robin , Darian
  • grumbling sound, far away
  • cant tell direction, no way of knowing north
  • Darian thinks about something defending tower, or somethings hunting
  • Robin sees a dove, symbol of their deity
  • dove looks at robin, pecks the ground and flies off in direction assumed to be tower
  • peaceful feeling, more connected
  3rd Watch - Darian , Abby
  • don't hear anything, but hears grumbling
  • eldritch blast at mist, incorporeal thing as it reshapes
  • "back before sleep time" - Abby
  • "its good to be suspicious" - Darian about soul questioning
  • Darian finds the soul sight is invasive
  • nothing being spoken, secrets being kept
  • "I don't think you're a monster" - Darian about Abby
  • Darian offers to help Abby with what she's doing if needed
  • Darian is working on something, a potential solution to travelling vast distances
  • Darian hopes Koa has his own hopes and dreams
  • "black, orangy-yellow" - Abby about her soul, a theory
  • daybreak = no visions
2nd Moonshadow 150AES - In Tower
  • We awaken
  • We begin journey, find gate
  • Bat goes in, comes out. Communicates weird twisted landscape with weird gravity imagery
  • Abby wants to go in, tied to a rope
  • Abby nearly gets trapped inside
  • Darian recognises it was the Plane of Limbo
  • Grumbling is closer, can still be heard
  • magic storm, closer to tower
  • reach tower
  • "only the worthy may pass" - subjective door
  • Inside looks like a waiting room, plush sofas and fireplace
  • Hush stealth's in room
  • Door gone replaced with arch into another room
  • "interesting life of Cassiel"
  • Jug of water and sandwich appears with thought but no diamond
  • Platform raises, Hush's theory was correct
  • Darien's magic is based on study, Abby doesn't fully know, Strun gave something up, Robin prays
  • Platform stops
  • Big library beyond another archway
  • same as original room but is library
  • spell scrolls galore
  • Food and cutlery is what appears, bugs too
  • angelic woman purple stone statue.
The Four Elements
Heaven Starweaver
Abbadon Emberheart
Lawfull Evil Succubus & Incubus (Faction Agent)
Warlock 4
31 / 31 HP
Chaotic Good Dragonborn (Inquisitor)
Blood Hunter 4
24 / 24 HP
Darian Vermir
Report Date
30 Mar 2024

Cover image: Thoia by WolfofWinter
This article has no secrets.


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