Beltrae (bel-tray)

Beltrae is the Druidic goddess of rebirth, planting and growth.  Her feast is Beltrane and is celebrated on March 20 (the spring equinox) in the Druids calendar.

Divine Domains

Druidic goddess of rebirth, planting and summer.  Often depicted in fields of flowers and green.


There is a legend that Beltrae was walking in fields ages ago when she first encountered a Halfling.  The young Halfling (legend says his name was Mungo) stood before the Goddess and asked her what she was doing.  Beltrae smiled and replied that she was planting wild edibles.  Mungo asked how she could be planting, when she had no seeds or bulbs.  The Goddess replied that she had a magic dibber, and anything she wanted to grow would appear wherever the dibber stabbed into the soil.   Mungo asked if he could help her, and she replied yes.  She handed him her dibber, and he began to stab the earth and watched as young pumpkins, corn, wheat and barley sprang up out the holes the dibber made.  Mungo was so delighted that he picked up a stick from the ground and handed it to Beltrae, thanking her for the lessons and wishing her a good morning.   Beltrae knew the stick was not her dibber, but simply smiled and blessed the young Halfling.  She then began stabbing the stick into the soil, and Mungo watched more plants spring forth.  Beltrae didn't need the magic dibber, but Mungo did.  He kept it for his clan for many years, and it is said it is still hidden under his floor all these thousands of years later.


Beltrae is celebrated by the Feast of Beltrane on March 20, or the spring equinox.
Divine Classification