Benn Ohn

His Majesty, Benn Ohn

Benn Ohn was the founder and first King of the Kingdom of Imesse.  His rule is the basis for the start of the Imessian Reckoning calendar, and starts the counting of years at 1 After Founding with his crowning as King.   Benn was born to a wealthy family that controlled much land and riverway in the north of what would become Imesse.  Born and raised in Wessridge, his family ruled roughly what is now considered the Baronies of Cyell, Wessridge and Wessfall for nearly 100 years.  In the year 10 BF, Benn fought and defeated an attacking army of the Mollus Family from Minsloth.  Now controlling both sides of a large stretch of the Caldar River, and with a veteran force behind him, he continued marching south along the river.  Conquering or coercing various petty kingdoms and strongholds along the way, Benn took all the riverlands from Jorick to Beldoah, then marched on Southridge, taking all the towns and cities along the way.  Over the course of four years, Benn had taken all of southern Imesse, and all of the coast of the Eastern Sea to as far as Len Doa.  He then began to march north along the Calas River towards Graywater Lake and the fortress at Northridge.  After nearly ten years of constant marching and fighting, Benn Ohn was the undisputed leader of nearly all of modern Imesse.  He crowned himself King of Imesse (an Elven word "deep woods") at the castle at Northridge.  He was 59 years old at this time, and the conquest had aged him markedly.


1 AF - 7 AF
65 at his death
58 BF 7 AF 65 years old