
Entelodons are large pig-like animals that are currently only known on the archipelago of the Thall Islands.  Males (called boars) can stand 6' tall at the shoulders and weigh as much as 1,600 lbs.  They can sprint at more than 20 mile per hour, and have snouts full of long canines and sharp incisors that can gut a Human male in one bite.   Some Thallians have captured Entelodons and tamed them.  Some have even gone so far as to claim that they have domesticated several breeds, but most people agree that any Entelodon is a potentially deadly animal, when aroused or angered.

Basic Information


Entelodons are large pig-like omnivores that live in small family herds of 5 to 15 individuals and inhabit the Thall Islands.  The are split-hooved beasts with huge heads, tall humped shoulders and sport amazing tusk-like teeth in long narrow jaws.  They can run at speeds of 20 miles an hour for short bursts, and are very capable of moving through rugged, rocky terrain with ease.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females go into heat once a year, and can produce litters of 2 to 4 Entelings with each cycle.  Females remain pregnant for 10 months, and the Entelings are born weighing 4 to 6 lbs.  Both males and females remain with the young once born.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young Entelodons grow fast and after 18 months are very nearly the same size as the adults. the can reproduce on their own at 24 months.

Ecology and Habitats

Found mostly in the rugged highlands of the largest of the Thall Islands, the beasts can be found almost anywhere in the archipelago.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sows are dominant in the herd, and males only fight for the right and opportunity to mate.


Entelodons have been tamed and bred by the Thallians for years as guardians of homes and estates and as livestock.  Some have even been turned into mounts, but it is extremely difficult to fit an Entelodon with a saddle that doesn't injure the animal or the rider.  There are probably about 1,000 tamed or domesticated Entelodons in the Thall Islands, most on Thallmar.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Every portion of the animal is useful, but the meat is prized.  Best when harvested as young adults, but even old boars are used in their entirety.  When hunted as wild animals, Entelodon are hunted only by the most skilled and bravest of hunters, as the beasts are absolutely deadly when enraged or threatened.

Facial characteristics

Long, narrow snouts full of long canine teeth and sharp incisors.  Long bony protrusions on the sides of their faces and off their chins, used in dominance games during the mating seasons and territorial disputes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Only known specimens are in the Thall Islands

Average Intelligence

Remarkably smart animals, able to follow simple verbal commands when trained and can remember specific scents for decades once learned.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poor eyesight, very good hearing and an incredible sense of smell.
A large female Entelodon in teh highlands of Thallmar.
A Male (boar) Entelodon
Scientific Name
Entelodontae Daeodon Thallensis
18 years in the wild, 25 years domesticated.
Average Height
Large males have been known to be over 6' tall at the shoulders
Average Weight
1,500 lbs
Average Length
8' long
Average Physique
Amazingly strong, fast in short bursts and able to charge and topple horses with ease.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark, bristly coarse hair on the back, shoulders and head of the beasts, and a smoother, softer hair on the sides, flanks and belly of a tawny, drown or red color.
Geographic Distribution