Giant Boar

Giant Boar are a type of wild pig, renowned for their ferocity and tempermental nature. Large, heavily muscled bodies that can produce speeds in excess of 30 miles an hour with long, over-sized tusks that can tear a Human male open from his throat to his groin in one swing of its head.

Basic Information


Huge porcine animal with a large hunched back, hooved feet, pronounced tusks on both jaws, and huge heads that constitute one-third of the animals body length.

Genetics and Reproduction

Capable of producing large numbers of young when mating pairs can be brought together.  Litters of six to twelve piglets are the norm.  Family groups, called sounders, are dominated by the strongest female.  Males stay away until the females go into season, usually beginning in late fall and lasting about 4 weeks.  Males will fight each other brutally for the right to breed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Piglets are weaned at two weeks, and are adults at 10 months.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Voracious omnivores, capable of eating almost anything, living or dead.  Fond of rooting for tubers, fungi, roots and grubs but just as likely to eat a dead horse or cow.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Giant Boar tusks are highly prized, and every single part of a Giant Boar is usable.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found mainly south of the Caldar River, more rare as one moves north.

Average Intelligence

Surprisingly smart, with at least the memory and visual assocaition capability of a trained dog.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poor eyesight, excellent hearing, exceptional sense of smell.
A Charging Giant Boar
Scientific Name
Porcus Scrufa Horriblis
20 years
Average Height
5 feet tall at the shoulders
Average Weight
Between 600 lbs and 1000 lbs, with males weighing 25% more than females
Average Length
6 feet long
Average Physique
Immensely strong, fast and capable of amazing manuevers in difficult terrain.