Giant Cave Bear

The Giant Cave Bear, or Short-faced Bear, is the largest bear in the world. Males average 1,800 lbs, and the biggest males can be more than 2,000 lbs. On all fours, the are 5' tall at the shoulders and 14' tall on two legs. They can easily crush an auroch's skull with a single bite of their jaws, or shred the hide of a full-grown mastodon with their claws.   These bears are solitary predators, with males and females meeting ONLY during mating season (end of summer to end of fall). Females will allow young cubs to remain with them no longer than two years. Otherwise they live very solitary lives, browsing, hunting and sleeping. They do not hibernate, but do become much less active in the winter, preferring to sleep as much as 20 hours a day until the days grow longer.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Huge omnivorous creatures with the capacity to sprint at speed for short distances, to climb trees to a surprising height, and to eat a staggering amount of food at a time.  They have 4" canines, 5" claws and a reach of nearly 7' from their back legs when standing erect.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Very solitary, very antisocial even among other bears.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Meat is prized and plentiful, fur is valuable, rendered and processed fat is highly prized as a shelf-stable lard.

Facial characteristics

Classic bear features, with a light-colored band of fur around their eyes and muzzle.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

From subarctic to the southern reaches of the temperate climates.

Average Intelligence

Very smart, very clever, and capable of simple operations (pushing obstacles out of their way, opening simple doors, etc).
25+ years
Average Height
5'6" at the shoulders, 12'-14' on their hind legs.
Average Weight
Average males are more than 1,800 lbs, but exceptionally large male can top 2,100 lbs. Females average about 1,600 lbs.
Average Length
12' to 14' when standing upright.
Average Physique
Massively strong and incredibly aggressive when provoked, threatened or hungry.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark brown to a deep rich reddish color.  Fur is thick, double-layered and much prized in cold climates for its insulating qualities, as it sheds water amazingly well.