
Gnomes are a magical humanoid race found nearly everywhere in the world. They are short, lithe creatures with long lifespans. Ages of 450 years are not uncommon. They have large families and tend to live in close communities. Their homes are small but comfortable and can accommodate large numbers of people.   Gnomes have an innate charm that makes other people they are dealing with want to like them. They are appealing, charming, likeable and (most importantly) believable. This is due to both their natural appearance and their basic magical nature. It gives gnomes an advantage in any bargaining situation. They also have a strong, natural sense of curiosity, and are constantly looking to learn new things.   Gnomes have a societal structure based on a tribal hierarchy. Each family of gnomes is a part of a tribe of Gnomes, and each tribe has a Chief. Families, no matter how large or small, have an Elder at its head. All members of this family share a family name with the Elder. Elder Gnomes facilitate arranged marriages, family disputes, funerals and religious ceremonies. Groups of related families are a Tribe, and each Tribe has a Chief Gnome. This Chief is titled “Master” when addressed formally and is responsible for hearing and settling all tribal issues and disputes, including calls to war. Each tribe of Gnomes has an associated color used in patterns and prints in their clothing and decorations, and it makes identifying tribal affiliations easier.

Basic Information


Gnomes are a small but long-lived race of humanoids.  Shorter on average than even Halflings, they can have a lifespan of more than 400 years.

Biological Traits

Gnomes are the smallest (on average) race of intelligent humanoids.  Males and females both average about 4', with the shortest individuals standing gonly 3'6".  Both sexes weigh about the same and average about 75 lbs.  This diminutive stature precludes them from many roles in society (primarily military roles) that must then be filled by other races.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnomes reproduce sexually, as do all humanoids.  Reproductive mating is typically finished by the age of 200 years, at which time the mated couple continue to share an emotional and social bond for the rest of their natural lives.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Gnome reaches physical maturity at about age 24, and will begin to show signs of advanced aging at around 280 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Gnomes can live in any environment, as can all humanoids.  They are comfortable in tight, closed spaces underground or in wide open plains.  They prefer to live in large family groups, with multiple generations sharing a home for many decades.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gnomes eat all the same food and drink that other humanoids do.  They have well developed incisors and canine teeth and are fond of meat dishes, but are also just as likely to eat vegetables, fruits and grains.


Gnomes are voracious learners.  They dedicate a significant amount of their daily routines to the acquiring and implementation of knowledge.  They are focused, dedicated workers that see a day of productive hard work as a reward in and of itself.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Close-nit families that live together for multiple generations, each family a part of a greater tribal group.  Gnomes live in a patriarchal society, were the oldest member of a family or tribe is usually the leader of that family or tribe.

Facial characteristics

Thin, straight hair.  Long pointed ears swept back from the face.  Long, thin noses.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gnomes live anywhere that other humanoids live.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnomes can see in the dark even better than Dwarves, and suffer no ill effects from bright daylight.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Gnomes have a very distinct naming pattern in their own tongue, but readily adapt their names to local or even foreign language patterns.

Beauty Ideals

Knowledge, wisdom and technical skills are the features that Gnomes appreciate the most.

Common Etiquette Rules

Gnomes are openly affectionate with other Gnomes they are familiar with or related to, but tend to be far more reserved in open displays of affection with strangers.  When meeting a Gnomes for the first time, a handshake is a real sign of trust and openness.

Common Dress Code

Gnome artificers are renowned for having the tools they need for the daily performance of their skills readily on hand.  Thus, a stereotype has developed that Gnomes were toolbelts and pouches where ever they go.  While this is sometimes true, it is not a general rule of dress.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Gnomes honor learning and knowledge above all other endeavors life can offer, and any new opportunity to learn a skill or study a field is not only interesting to a Gnome, but is eagerly sought after.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Nicknames and aliases are typically given to a Gnome based on a specific job or talent that the individual has (or doesn't have).  A Gnome might be called "Thimble" by his friends and relatives because they cannot sew without injuring their fingers.

Common Taboos

Gnomes place such emphasis on their work and work ethic that an offhand comment concerning the nature or result of a job completed can give great offense, even if it is a complimentary comment.  Simply dismissing the results of a Gnome's efforts as a "great job" without at least making an effort to inspect the work is seen as dismissive, offensive or outright insulting.

Common Myths and Legends

One of many origination myths that exist among Gnomes is that their creator god, Gnosus, brought the first Gnomes into being by "hatching" precious gems.  Thus, there are tribal names that are distinctly associated with specific gemstones:  diamonds, emeralds, garnets, sapphires and rubies chief among these.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gnomes have a deep and abiding distrust of Elven society.  Enslaved and persecuted for centuries by Elves (along with all Halflings) Gnomes do not visit the realm of Naru, and will not typically associate with Elves anywhere.  Individual associations have been known to exist, but in general, Gnomes do not like or trust Elves at all.
Typical Gnome male, around 300 years of age
More than 400 years.
Average Height
3'6" to 4'8"
Average Weight
75 to 90 lbs
Average Physique
Small, short and lean with a wiry strength that belies their size.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Varying skin tones, from pale white to a dark olive tan.
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