Gnomish Religion

Gnomes hold knowledge, in all its various forms, to be the supreme goal of all Gnome worship. Their gods and goddesses are knowledge personified, and the paradise that awaits a Gnome in the next life is perfect and complete ability to pursue knowledge throughout eternity.   The Gnomish pantheon has Gnosus at its head. He is the divine personification of all knowledge and the chief of the gods. He is represented by a variety of triskelion designs. He has many children, the first of which are twins: Teknix (god of practical or applied knowledge) and Epistemix (god of abstract understanding). Then there is Arythmetiya (goddess of numerology), Graphiya (goddess of writing), Caelixus (god of the sun, moon and stars), Dolus (god of tricks, cunning, deceit and treachery), Geriatrix (god of old age, hard experience and wisdom).   Lethiya is the personification/goddess of forgetfulness and oblivion. She is the antithesis of everything Gnomes hold holy and good. She is the nemesis of all the other Gnomish gods and goddesses.   Gnomes worship their gods by learning and practicing skills. The more they learn and the better they can perform skilled works, the more favor they gain from their gods.
The Triskelion Symbol of the Gnomish God Gnosus