
A Harpy is a humanoid hybrid creature exhibiting the feet, legs and wings of a vulture and the head and torso of a Human. They are dangerous and violent creatures that live and hunt in groups of as many as 12 individuals. They have razor-sharp claws at the ends of powerfully muscled avian legs, visciously sharp pointed teeth, and can project their excrement in a stream at some distance against attackers or prey. This foul, noxious fluid is deadly poisonous if injested, blinding if in the eyes and capable of a rapid-onset deadly infection if allowed into an open wound.   Their deadliest weapon, however, is their songs. Harpies can sing a song that can put any non-harpy within 30' of the singer into a trance where all fear and inhibition are gone and the listener is compelled to get to the singing harpy at all costs. Only beings with the strongest wills are able to resist the song of a harpy at close range. Many experts believe that the harpy is the root of the legends commonly known as "sirens", since no actual siren has ever been indentified, and harpies are particuarly fond of living and hunting in remote coastal areas.   Harpies are famously filthy, covered in a disgusting crust of dried blood, feces, and dirt that cause them to smell so badly that they can often be detected by their odor long before they are seen. They are also sadistic in the extreme, taking great pleasure in causing pain and suffering for their victims, sometimes for days before killing and consuming their prey.

Basic Information


Wings, legs and claws of a vulture, torso and head of a Human.  Harpies are monomorphic and display no difference between male and female.  All harpies have heavy sagging breasts on their torsos and no discernable reproductive organs on the outside of their bodies.  Both sexes are able to breast feed young when hatched.

Biological Traits

Notoriously filthy creatures that intentionally cover themselves in blood, gore and excrement and never willingly bathe.  Simply touching a harpy can result in a deadly infection, and scratches or bites are deadly in most cases unless immediately treated.

Ecology and Habitats

Ambush hunters that live primarily in temperate coastal regions or deciduous forests, but specimens have been found nearly everywhere at one time or another.  As the creatures are universally hated and feared, they are typically hunted down and destroyed as soon as they are determined to be a danger to a region.  This makes them very prone to flee rather than fight when confronted by a more numerous or highly determined party of foes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carrion-feeding predators that capture and entrance their prey, then torture and kill at their leisure and eat the flesh as it decomposes.


Sadistically fascinated with the prospect of causing their victims pain and suffering, they have been known to keep prey alive for days just to watch them suffer, then eat them once they begin to decay from infected wounds.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most often found in family groups of two to five individuals, but some groups have numbered as many as twelve.  Since harpies are monomorphic (no physical difference between male and female), it is unknown if their family units are male or female dominated.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

As unpleasant as handling a harpy might be, there are actually useful portions of their anatomy that are in high demand. Harpy saliva is a potent antibiotic and is much prized by healers and potioners. Their blood is a highly toxic component in many poisons and magical potions and can fetch a high price when fresh or carefully preserved in special glass containers.  Harpy excrement gives off an odor that is utterly repellent to most other woodland or coastal predators, but is also nauseating in the extreme for nearly every rational person that might encounter it. Most intelligent creatures would rather face the predators than smell the harpy's filth.

Facial characteristics

Typically wrinkled, ugly humanoid faces with needle-sharp teeth suitable for tearing flesh.  Short, filthy feathers on their heads and neck, no hair whatsoever.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Seem to prefer temperate coastal or forest regions, but have been known or seen almost everywhere at times.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Exceptional eyesight and hearing, almost no sense of smell.  All harpies are capable of mesmerizing victims or prey by singing.  Their songs have been described as hypnotic in the extreme, and once under the influence of a harpy's song, only the strongest willed individuals can resist the urge to placidly approach the creature and wait for its inevitable attack without resistance.  Their songs only seem to work on intelligent creatures, however, and have little to no effect on dumb animals.  Weak willed or injured beings are the most susceptible to the songs.
A very old painting of a Harpy from the far north.
A pair of Harpies from Teboba
A unique painting of a Harpy from the Arak coast region
Scientific Name
Cathartidae Vulturis Fetoris
50-60 years
Average Height
4' 6" to 5'
Average Weight
Usually less than 100 lbs
Average Physique
Strong legs, deadly claws and capable of flight.  Poor runners, unable to swim.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale wrinkled skin where exposed, black dirty feathers on wings and back, leathery avian legs with large four-clawed talons as feet.