Lughane (loog-hane)

Lughane is the feast of the Druidic god Lug.  It is celebrated on the longest day of the year June 21, the summer solstice, and is a much anticipated event in Druidic communities.   The feast is an all-day affair, beginning at sunrise with the lighting of ritual fires.  These fires will burn all day and all night, and will cook the meals (or at least parts of them) that will be eaten during the festival.  The breaking of the night fast is traditionally done with "new food" meaning food that has already ripened and been harvested.  Summer squash, strawberries, sweet corn and "green bread" (a muffin made from fresh greens, sweet squash and berries) make up the breakfast feast, along with fresh ale or cold spring water.   Once that is done, the local High Priest will take his place near one of the ritual fires to hear family disputes, assist in the arranging of marriages and officiate the naming ceremonies for children recently born.  By the time the business of the community is completed, the mid-day feast begins with small courses from various harvests: fish and eels from the waters, fowl and birds from the air, rabbits and game from the earth and fruits and nuts from the trees.  By the end of this meal, the celebration moves on to the games.   Games of skill such as racing, archery and wrestling, as well as riddling, story-telling, poetry and memory tests entertain the people for hours.  Drinking, singing, dancing and laughing are the demands of the evening and long into the night.
Singing at a Lughane festival
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