Orc (oark)

Orcs are a non-magical race of beings that live in the world. They are large humanoid beings, standing on average well above 6’ and weighing above 22 stones (300 lbs). They have rough, exaggerated features on their faces, a grey to grey-green skin tone, and prominent (almost tusk-like) canine teeth. They are remarkably strong creatures, far more physically strong than the average human, and could live about the same number of years as humans, but few do, given their very violent lifestyles. They are voracious omnivores, consuming vast amounts of calories at all times of the day and night. They prefer meat, however, and will always take the opportunity to eat meat whenever they can regardless of the source. Roast human babies are considered a particular delicacy.   Orcs live in large family units, typically referred to as “bands”. Bands are led by the strongest, loudest and most aggressive male in the group. When a strong enough leader can unite bands into a more cohesive group (typically for the purpose of attacking and raiding new territory), these groups are called “hordes”. An orc band might reach number of up to 60 members, with as many as 30 or more of those as males of fighting age. Whenever a band has completely exhausted the resources of the area they are in (food, water, shelter, etc) they will move to another area rather than build, repair or manage the resources they have to start. Bands and hordes have been known to move quite long distances in the search for more or better resources, sometimes hundreds of miles, and looting and pillaging along the way to survive until they reach and area they can occupy for an extended period.   Orcs have an innate desire to fight. If no opportunity presents for physical combat, a community of orcs will typically begin to fight amongst itself. Males are instinctually dominant creatures, and too many male orcs together with no outlet for aggressive instinct is a recipe for bloodshed. They also are habitual (and perhaps even instinctual) hoarders. Status within a family group is maintained primarily by the accumulation of wealth, in whatever form it might present. Treasure, weapons, resources, food, females, slaves or even shelter can all be seen by orcs as desirable possessions that demonstrate an individual orc’s prowess and ability.

Basic Information


Orcs are a large humanoid species standing much taller and stronger than Humans.  Well-muscled and with strong bones, they are a very formidable opponent in a fight.

Biological Traits

Orcs are larger than Humans, with a bone density similar to that of Dwarves.  They seem to live as long as Humans and Halflings, but because of their violent lifestyles, few seem to live past the age of 60.

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs are prolific breeders.  Females are fertile 13 times a year, and can routinely deliver between two and four young at a time.  Pregnancies last for 7 months, and a female is fertile again after birth within 28 days.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs consume vast amounts of calories every day to feed their dynamic metabolisms.  All biological systems run faster in orcs than in other humanoids.  An infant is eating solid food in less than 60 days, and is born with as many as 6 teeth already present in their mouths.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs can live anywhere other humanoids can live.  They prefer open spaces with uninterrupted views and tight, secure dwellings like caves and caverns.  They have no aversion to light or darkness, and no known propensity for claustrophobia or other fears.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs eat an amazing amount of food every day, often in excess of 8,000 calories daily.  They eat and drink all the same foods that other humanoids consume, but prefer animal protein over vegetables.


Orcs have an innate desire to demonstrate physical ability, usually through fighting.  If an orc doesn't have an opportunity to fight another being (Human, Elf, hunted prey, etc.) then they will fight each other.  This allows them to show their strength and to exert dominance in their society, which is the primary means of establishing status.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Completely hierarchical and based solely on physical ability.  The strongest and most aggressive males are the leaders, rulers and chiefs of their communities.

Facial characteristics

Low foreheads, large powerful jaws with elongated canine teeth similar to tusks.  Hair is dark, thick and fur-like.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

There seem to be two distinct subspecies of Homo Horriblis, the Northern Orc (Homo Horriblis Septentriones) and the Southern Orc (Homo Horriblis Meridionali). Differences are disputed, but the general understanding is that Southern Orcs have smaller (or non-existant) tusk-like canines, are shorter on average than their northern cousins, and have larger, more prominent ears and a smaller, less prominent nose, perhaps due to the warmer average temperatures.

Average Intelligence

Intelligent, with an ability to speak multiple languages.  No demonstrable ability to innovate or conceptually design items or processes on their own.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs have eyes that see in the same spectrum as Humans.  They have a much more developed sense of smell, however, rivalling that of a dog.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orcs organize themselves into large familial groups (tribes/clans) based around a single dominant male.  All members of the tribe will name themselves and their offspring after their established leader.

Average Technological Level

Orcs are able to use nearly any object that other humanoids can use.  What they cannot do is replicate or reproduce technical items or machines.  They will use what is looted or found until it no longer functions, then discard it and find something else to use.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Orcs do share a common root language, but dialects and accents can vary widely with enough distance or time factored in.  Northern Orcs, perhaps because of a closer or more frequent history of contact, have incorporated more civilized words and concepts into their tongue than their southern cousins.  Southern Orcs demonstrate a distinct tendency to call or cry out to signal others at a greater distance.

Common Etiquette Rules

Once a dominant male has established himself, all other orcs in the group are subservient to him.  Should a leader be challenged in his role as dominant, the challenge is always decided by mortal combat.

Common Taboos

Any form of weakness, surrender or fear is considered anathema to orc society.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Orcs are inherently prone to fighting, conquest and dominance.  They will attack any other group or race with little to no provocation, but have a very special hatred for Elves.  While any orc leader might take some surviving remnants of a subjugated community as slaves or chattel (or food), no orc will suffer an Elf to live.
Male example of a Southern Orc warrior
A Northern Orc band leader, denoted by the prominent tusks
Scientific Name
Homo horriblis
75 years (oldest)
Average Height
Average Weight
275 lbs
Average Physique
Large, immensely strong, can be excellent sprinters.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin color varies from pallid grey to a mottled grey-green (depending on regionality).
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