Ryuri (ree-yur-eye)

Ryuri are the leaders of large clan or tribal groups located in Colo.  These clan groups are centered on a single geographical location called a "hold" and are typically ancient in nature.  Many are built on the sites of hillforts that date back thousands of years.   Ryuri are chosen in a traditional manner that varies by clan or tribe, but is typically a process wherein a leader is chosen from a selection of nominees based on several criteria: strength, wealth, position, ability, popularity and familial rank can all be factors.  The choice is made by a group of clan or family elders, some of whom might be nominees themselves.   Once chosen, a Ryuri serves for life.  In the event of a national crisis or a time of war, a parliament of Ryuri might be called to elect an Ard Ri from among their number who will serve as a "high king" until the crisis is over.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Equates to
Chief, petty king, baron or duke
Source of Authority
Elected by the clan
Length of Term
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