Salaan Tor

Salaan Tor is a large town within the Regio Manotos. It is entirely centered on the mining of a huge deposit of rose-colored salt (locally known as the Rose Dome) that is operated by a large community of Dwarves that live in the town.   The name actually means "salt hill" in Fangorian, and it is an apt name.  Salaan Tor sits atop of a huge dome of salt, estimated to be more than 3 miles long and nearly 2 miles wide.  Salaan Tor has three mining operations currently going in and around the town, all operated by Royal Charters from the Prince as a monopoly for the Regio.


The Visconte, Thadius Bellami, is the chief administrator, judge and defender of the town and its surrounding countryside.


The town was constructed with defensible walls and gates, but only the main town gate, with its impressive tower, are still maintained as defensive structures.  In fact, there are some sections of the town wall that have been robbed of all thier finished stonework for private homes and barns.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry of Salaan Tor is salt mining.  Other busy and profitable industries (that are not regulated as Chartered monopolies) include barrel making, stone quarrying, two large lumber mills and many sheep herds.


The Tor (or large hill) that Salaan Tor is built upon is the tallest hill for miles around, and is the actual dome of salt that has pushed up from the earth.  The surrounding countryside is markedly lower, but still hilly land.  Stream valleys and river bottoms have groves of cottonwood, elm and oak along the banks, while higher elevations are bracken-covered or prairie grass flats.
Gate Tower at Salaan Tor, Regio Manotos
Large town
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization