
The Shee are a race of Humanoid creatures that are found (currently) only in the Thall Islands of the Eastern Sea.  They are a diminutive race of creatures, standing only 18" tall in most cases.  They have large heads for their size and huge ears, and are quick and nimble in their movements.  They are an exceedingly ellusive race, mainly keeping away from larger Humanoid races.  They are intelligent and have shown a capacity to speak multiple languages and to perform complicated tasks with much ease.   It is assumed but has not yet been absolutely determined that Shee are a highly magical race of humanoids.  Specific abilities have not yet been determined, but it is often the cause of much amazement at the amount of work that a single Shee can accomplish in one night's time.  Thallians attribute this to the Shee being magical in nature, but not everyone agrees on this point.   Shee are considered part of the home whenever they "adopt" a Human household as their own, and the fact that a Shee has chosen one family over another is often a cause of much pride and excitement in Thall.

Basic Information


The smallest Humanoid known, standing only 18" on average.  Oversized heads, large ears and eyes, and very small torsos and limbs.  Sparse, thin hair on the head and sometimes on the back, but no where else.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unknown, but since there is a pronounced sexual dimorphism, sexual reproduction is assumed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Unknown, as no juvenile specimens have ever been observed.

Ecology and Habitats

Only known habitat is the islands of the Thall archipelago.  Known to live in caves and hollow trees near Human settlements.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Capable (and eager) to eat Human food, particularly fond of dairy products (milk, cheese, butter), food prepared with honey, and smoked meats.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Shee have never been seen in groups larger than three individuals, and are most commonly encountered as individuals.


Shee are intelligent beings, but seem to sometimes choose to adopt Humans as companions or neighbors.  It has been documented many times that Shee will repeatedly visit a Human home where they have been treated kindly and fix broken items (tools, boots, pots and crockery, etc.) or clean up areas of the home that are in need.  If food is left for them, they will often repay the kindness with gifts of rare items or ingredients that they seem to think the Human's want or need.  Dairy animals and poultry (cows, goats, chickens, etc.) will double their output in homes where Shee frequently visit.

Facial characteristics

Large heads on very small bodies, with enormous ears and over-sized eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Seemingly limited to the Thall Islands.

Average Intelligence

Intelligent.  Capable of speech, complicated operations and repairs, and able to cook a variety of foods

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Not fully understood, but it is well documented that the Shee have exceptional perceptory abilities.  Incredible hearing, eyesight and an unrivaled sense of smell.
A male Shee in its preferred clothing
Scientific Name
Homo Minimus Thallius
Average Height
18" Tall
Average Weight
Less than 20 lbs
Geographic Distribution