Smilodon (smy-leh-don)

Ferocious "saber-toothed" cat. Average males weigh in at 700 lbs, with some getting as large as 950 lbs. Females average between 500 and 700 lbs. Both sexes sport 7" long canines and an ability to open their mouths to an astonishing 130 degrees (twice the span of an African lion). Smilodons are solitary ambush predators, preferring to strike their prey from cover using their great weight to knock over prey, then employing their canines to break the prey's necks.   Smilodons hunt large animals like bison, aurochs, mastodons, moose, and horses. They can reach speeds of 40 miles per hour, but cannot sustain those speeds for more than a few hundred yards. In the wild, smilodon can live for up to 40 years.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Thick soft fur, short tail, tall ears and a tongue that will peel skin with each lick.  7" canines, 4" retractable claws.  Carnivore, hunts from ambush, will avoid other predators if it can.  Very territorial, especially near its lair.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Solitary predators that mate for life.  Males will procure food for nursing females, while females are incredibly ferocious when protecting their young.  Litters are typically two cubs, but four are not unheard of.

Facial characteristics

Robust feline features with 7" canines and jaws that can open to a staggering 130 degrees.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

All of the current map, including Colo, Imesse, Cobal, Aria, Naru and Fangort.  Prefers woods and scrub forest, but can be found in almost any biome, from subarctic to tropical jungle.
40 years
Average Height
40" at the shoulders
Average Weight
Males: 600-900 lbs Females: 500-700 lbs
Average Length
6' to 7' long
Average Physique
Heavily muscled, 4" retractable claws that are always razor sharp.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mottled tawny-brown fur, lightening at the belly and face.