The Redbeard

The Redbeard is the title and name of the Chief of the Dwarven Clan Redbeard, one of the six Great Clans of Dwarves that have established homelands in the Gorgomoth Mountains of the Kingdom of Aria. He is also titled Jarl Redbeard, as Jarl is the traditional term used by the Redbeards for their lords or earls. He is the personification of the entire Redbeard Clan and the incarnation of the first Redbeard Dwarf. The family that holds the title of The Redbeard are the same line of Dwarves that have held it for more than 1,000 years… the Redbeards.   The Clan Redbeard follows a tradition of agnatic succession, wherein the line of Chiefs of the Clan passes through the male line of descent from the first Redbeard Dwarf. This tradition does not require the heir to be the eldest direct descendant, however, and a reigning Jarl Redbeard may designate a younger son, or even a brother or nephew as the next Jarl upon his death. Designated heirs are the preferred process by which the role of Jarl is filled on the death of a Chief, but if no designated heir is available, the next oldest direct male descendant is named the next Jarl Redbeard.   The Redbeard maintains his residence at a grand palace within the underground city of Dhoros located in the eastern range of the Gorgomoth Mountains.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Lord Redbeard
Alternative Naming
Jarl Redbeard, lord Jarl
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