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Wool-beasts were first created by the College of Biogenesis in the year 4872NA by the biogenesist Riordan Shepherdson in response to a disease that was sweeping through the Isles of Tongues and endangering the sheep population of the isles. Having come from a long line of sheep farmers he was intimately familiar with the animal’s anatomy and felt he could create something to replace the species should the worst come to pass.   Wool-beasts are significantly larger than the animal they were based on. They are roughly the size of a large rhino but with hoofed feet and long, fluffy ropes of wool covering their entire body from head to toe. None of their actual body is visible beneath the tangle of light gray or white wool, resulting in them looking like giant balls of moving hair and little else. Wool-beasts have no eyes, as they couldn’t see from beneath the wool anyway, and operate purely off sound from their large, floppy ears and smell from the nose buries under their layers of shaggy hair. In the modern day they may also come in a variety of colors due to the pre-dyed wool craze that swept the nations of the world, though most weavers seem to prefer to just dye the wool themselves.   Wool-beasts shed their wool naturally once every two months. It happens all at once, rendering the creature coated in only its much thinner under-layer of fur until it can re-grow the massive mane of wool it is known for. It takes only a few weeks to entirely regrow what was lost, at which point it will wait until it is time to shed again and repeat the process.   Wool-beasts do not move much unless they absolutely have to. They cannot run or jump due to their size and relative lack of strength and are quite helpless if attacked by any kind of predator. They are also entirely docile to humans and will not resist even attempts to harm them. One can even push them over onto their sides and use them as a bed and the creature will not so much as protest. This is not recommended though as wool-beasts must spend nearly every waking moment eating in order to maintain its size and meet the energy needs of their rapidly growing hair.

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