Pyramid of Nalago Building / Landmark in Thugodi | World Anvil
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Pyramid of Nalago

Purpose / Function

The monument is a working celestial calendar that tracks the movements of several astral bodies. The entire place maps out the movements of these bodies in the layout of the building. At the center of the monument is a telescope that survived the fall of Chog. It can be locked in place to observe what passes through a set spot of space or it can be unlocked to track objects as they move. Researchers hypothesize it was part of a chain of such observatories along the Spur, but the others were either destroyed or the path to reach them was. Even this monument is difficult to get to via a long trek up a mountain side with limited cover during the day and thin air.


There is now a functional living area where researchers and their families live. The occasional guest is also lodged in these chambers, though it is unclear what those rooms were used for before they were coopted into a living space. There is a small contingent of Sawawi who are studying the stars and making better navigational maps.


The building is extremely precise in its measurements and proportions. It appears to be a place of worship to the natural order of the universe, which is the domain of Nalago. The construction is mostly stone, which is helpful in protecting the inhabitants from the sun exposure. The architecture is extremely utilitarian, but easy to maintain given the limited resources of the mountain top.


There are no official defensive structures, though there is a basement area that can be used as emergency shelter from storms. The pyramid is at a very high elevation along a steep mountain face. Thus it is difficult to get to, which keeps the inhabitants secluded from the outside world.


The small contingent of Sawawi have found out several cool things beyond how to make better maps. They have found evidence that the Beti people who built this monument were "talking" to the stars. The current researchers would love to know what the Beti were saying to the sky and if they heard anything back. They are also trying to understand why the Beti people built this monument and what were they trying to accomplish by building such a large and precise tool.   However, those who continue to stay at the monument are considered foolish, reckless, and/or brave because of the immense amounts of sun exposure and risk of sun sickness.


There is little tourism given how remote the location is. However, there have been several expeditions to the pyramid by explorers eager to learn more about the hidden mysteries of the Beti people. There have been lots of stories that have trickled out of the mountain about what they have found in the ruins surrounding the monument. There is a mixture of wonder and suspicion about what used to go on at the pyramid.
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