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The Stradlon Aquifer (st-RAD-lawn)


"The Stradlon Aquifer is the lifeblood of the Borderlands." --Head Commissioner of Deefin Gate
  This underground ocean is the main water reservoir for the borderlands. While there are large caverns that connect to each other, other caverns are completely submerged. Most are smaller caverns and connecting tunnels. It is a fresh water aquifer, but can have high amounts of dissolved minerals (hard water). Because there is not much growing in the aquifer, the water is incredibly clear. Ruins of past civilizations can be found along the bottom that likely date back to before the Fall of Chog. Because of the clarity of the water, these ruins and other items along the bottom are likely farther than they appear. This has lead to stories of greedy divers who die while trying to reach a lost treasure.


Not much grows in the aquifer, though there are a few shrimp-like species that inhabit the shallower areas. Most food is the algaes  and roots that grow  along the caver walls due to the high humidity. Ferry operators will feed bioluminescent algae along the cavern walls to help with wayfinding through the caverns.

Ecosystem Cycles

Because it is underground, there are not strong seasonalities. However, there are cycles of increasing and decreasing water lines. It's assumed to be related to rain events on the surface, but no one has been able to confirm this relationship.

Fauna & Flora

There is not much that can live in the caverns. There are a few small fish and shrimp like creatures that live in the shallow edges of the system. Algae can live along the cave walls in the high humidity, but often require supplemental care by humans. Roots from surface dwelling plants reach down from the cavern roofs, along the walls, into the aquifer. These roots are edible, but harvesters always try to take roots that are submerged in the water so they don't accidentally kill the surface plant they're harvesting.


During the fall of Chog, surface dwellers found the cavern system and took shelter from the surface storms. It provided a lot of protection and was a source of unspoiled water. Because of this, there are a number of old settlements along the cavern system. Because Sadi cannot travel across water well, there is a network of ferries that will take travelers through the cavern system and connect the settlements along the edges.
Alternative Name(s)
The Underground Ocean
Underground / Subterranean
Location under
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