
On occasion, identified as Kara-Khan (black king), he was the primordial god and his father was the ancordial god called Tengri.   In ancient Turkic belief, Tangri (God) Kara Han is neither male nor female nor even human in form, but a pure-white goose that flies constantly over an endless expanse of water (time), the benign creator of all that is, including the other, lesser gods.   Supreme being in the universe it created, Kara-han is the ruler of the three realms of air, water and land, seated on the seventeenth level of the universe, from which it determines the fate of its creation. After creating the universe it planted the nine-boughed tree of life, from the branches of which came the ancestors of humans.       • Carries the soul of Tengri. • Provides wealth, food and water. • Controls the weather. • Nemesis of Erlik. He defeated Erlik in an epic battle and forced him to stay in Tamag. • Protector of the mankind.

Divine Domains

  • Life
  • Knowledge
  • Tempest
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Good