Myonoxia Council

Gathering / Conference


Some scholars reported the situation in Kyngrad to the Myonoxia. They invited representatives from all Elnaril Kingdoms to Myonoxia. Niall and Cythydna didn't answer the call, others sent representatives. Halfling refugees' target was Santyr and Dymacros since there were already some established Halfling communities. Talkara didn't accept any involvement, they only accepted granting passage through their territory. Dymacros and Santyr agreed to help the Halflings but they didn't want large populations entering their territory and changing the demography.   Wizards came up with a suggestion; securing the Arwan Islands for the Halflings and transporting them safely to there. After some negotiations Santyr and Dymacros accepted the plan. Talkara remained neutral and left the talks eventually. Only unknown variable was Kyngrad's reaction to these plans. Council elected a representative to discuss the plan with Kyngardian King and with the local leaders of Halflings. Meantime Halflings began to organize resistance against the Kyngrad Empire.

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