Constitution of Dymacros

Political event


After years of research, internal and external discussions, publications the Faculty of Law presented its draft of a law text which can be considered as a constitution. Since it contained all the major building blocks and pillars of the Dymacros state.   The draft came to the Senate and discussed for months. Internal political struggles in Senate played a major role in this delay. Eventually senate agreed on a version and presented it to the Governor. He suggested a very unusual approach; calling for a referandum that all nobles in the country can vote. Elders in the Senate opposed this idea but their efforts were not enough.   Each city organized its own referandum and announced the results. Vast majority of the nobles and elites voted in favor of the draft. On May 15th 1102, the Governor Kyriakos declared the Constitution of Dymacros and orgarnized simultaneous festivals throughout the country. This became a tradition and continues still this day.

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