Calendar and Seasons
Over the generations many calendars have come and gone, with all of the settlements of the Kingdom using the Deneirian Calendar.
Deneirian Calendar
Created by Deneir following his ascension, the calendar of Deneir maps perfectly to the passing of the seasons and weather within Thunderia. Each Shahr (month) consists of 4 Javë (weeks) of 7 Ditë (Days), along with two Hatuk (Special days). The months have official names, as given by Deneir, as well as a common name.Current Year:
Years are know as Urte and are recorded Post Unification or P.U Currently it is the year 565 P.UShahr (months)
Common Name - Official Name 1 - Snowmoot - The Month of High Cold 2 - Deepsnow - The Month of Ice 3 - Winterwane - The Month of RainGarun/Spring
Common Name - Official Name 4 - Rainmoot - The Month of Clans 5 - Palesun - The Month of Seeds 6 - Highsun - The Month of TimberAmarr/Summer
Common Name - Official Name 7 - Firemoot - The Month of Earth 8 - Firewane - The Month of Harvest 9 - Lowsun - The Month of NetsAshnany/Autumn
Common Name - Official Name 10 - Redfall - The Month of Darkness 11 - Fellnight - The Month of Wind 12 - Frostmoot - The Month of HearthsDitë (Days) and Hatuk (Special days).
The first day of each Shahr will always be Moonday, and the final day will always be on of the Hatuk - Verj or Last Day. Shuka/Market Day occurs after the second Dragonsday of the monthShuka – Market day
In most villages and small towns, Market Day is the day that famers will bring produce to be sold, and purchase supplies for the coming 4 weeks.Verj - Last Day
A day of celebration and worship – the day in which families get together to share a joint meal and celebrate their survival. Often coincides with religious festivals or other events of worship.A typical month
Snowmoot – The month of High Cold- Moonday
- Towerday
- Wineday
- Thunderday
- Fireday
- Swordsday
- Dragonsday
- Moonday
- Towerday
- Wineday
- Thunderday
- Fireday
- Swordsday
- Dragonsday
- Market Day
- Moonday
- Towerday
- Wineday
- Thunderday
- Fireday
- Swordsday
- Dragonsday
- Moonday
- Towerday
- Wineday
- Thunderday
- Fireday
- Swordsday
- Dragonsday
- Last Day
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