Wolfsbane Item in Thyatian Borderlands | World Anvil
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Wolfsbane (dried aconite flowers) may drive off werewolves and other lycanthropes if a character strikes the monster in hand-to-hand combat with the sprig. If the lycanthrope fails a saving throw versus Poison, it must flee as if turned. A character who eats wolfsbane must make a saving throw versus Poison or die after one turn.

Naturalism: 14+   Alchemy: 14+(make poison)
Onset Time: Instant(touch werewolf)/2d4 turns(ingestion)   Save Modifier: -2/+2 poison   Damage and Effects: If werewolf is struck by sprig, save vs. poison or flee as if turned by cleric. if ingested 2d8 damage and paralysis 2d4 turns.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Base Price
10 GP/350 GP


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