Asylo Settlement in Thylea | World Anvil
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Asylo is the sanctuary city to all godkin in Thylea.  


Asylo was created by Apollo, and in small part by Artemis, roughly 500 years ago. When it was first established, it was a temple to Apollo, farms, and a small area of huts for the residents. Apollo invited the legendary centaur, Chiron, to manage, maintain, and train the godkin to prepare them for the trials and tribulations ahead. Within the first 20 years, the small sanctuary grew into a town of about 40 godkin and 100 mortals who were invited to protect the boundaries of Asylo and to work the farms and market. The town became quickly sustainable in a partnership with the gods and mortals.  

The Last of the Dragonlords

During the first 100 years of Asylo's existence, the Dragonlords of Thylea were slowly dying off as they were struggling for power and conquest throughout Thylea. Apollo, after killing the Great Serpent joined forces with the three remaining Dragonlords to fight against the raiding giants, centaurs, and minotaurs in the Greater Steppes. Many godkin joined the fight and there were many losses. Only one Dragonlord survived the fight, but his dragon did not. He returned to his seat of power in Mytros at the end of the war. Apollo had a dragon statue erected in Asylo to honor the Dragonlords.  

Recent Events

Asylo has fallen on hard times. The War of Monsters has depleted the resources of Asylo and more than half of the godkin have died or gone on prolonged quests. The farms and market bring in most of the resources, but with so few godkin brining in resources and trade goods, Asylo is just barely breaking even. Chiron has relied heavily on Tethys to bring young godkin to Asylo throughout Thylea. Chiron is actively trying to manage Asylo, work with the gods and oracle, and train the junior godkin.
Characters in Location

Notable NPCs:

  • Chiron
  • Tethys
  • Adrian - Accountant
  • Lola - Market Manager
  • Versi the Oracle - Oracle of Delphi


  • Megara - Barbarian
  • Helena - Bard
  • Ariadne - Cleric
  • Bormus - Druid
  • Manx - Paladin
  • Chiron - Ranger
  • Ina - Sorcerer

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