07 The Curse of Estor Arklander Myth in Thylea | World Anvil
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07 The Curse of Estor Arklander

The atrocities of Estor Arkelander made his dragon to abandon him. But even without his mount Estor continued his murderous campaign against the native creatures as the captain of the Ultros, a magical ship with a crew nearly as savage and bloodthirsty as Estor himself. The crew of the Ultros ravaged the islands of Thylea, leaving slaughter in their wake. Sydon threw everything against the vessel, trying to smash it with hundred-foot waves or drag it down to the bottom of the sea. The magic of the Ultros was so powerful even the God of Storms couldn't sink it.   With Sydon's failure, it fell to Lutheria to find a way to end Estor's reign of terror. She approached the barbaric Captain in a dream: if Estor swore to end his massacres against her children, she would give him and his crew eternal life by ritual magic. Estor, was naturally wary of a trap, particularly when approached by a naked goddess in his dreams, but he knew that he was safe on the Ultros. Even the Goddess of Death could not harm him. Seduced by the Goddess, he woke from his dream and slit the throats of his officers as a blood sacrifice to begin her immortality ritual.   Lutheria came to him on a cold wind, swooping in from void of a moonless night to land on the deck of the Ultros. The Captain, as Estor now styled himself, was enchanted by her cold, cruel beauty and lay with the Goddess to consummate the arrangement. The two were surrounded by the leering corpses of his butchered men.   As the first rays of sun climbed over the horizon, Lutheria vanished. The officers that Estor had murdered rose to their feet. Though all knew how Estor had betrayed them, Lutheria's ritual bound them to his will. When they saluted their Captain, Estor let out a great, roaring laugh. He knew he had been blessed by Lutheria and would never die.   The blessing of the Goddess of Death soon revealed its nature as a curse. Estor and his crew could not die, but they still felt pain: wounds would not kill them, but did they never healed. Instead, they festered and rotted. Age could not touch them, but they felt the ravages of disease and illness. Lutheria was true to her word: as the years turned to decades and then centuries, they did not die. They endured as twisted and disfigured creatures, trapped in a world between life and death as they were slowly driven mad.   After centuries of torment, Estor and his crew tried to break Lutheria's curse with a second ritual. They sought the release of death, but the Mistress of Death would not grant them peace. Their bodies decomposed and fell away, but their spirits were bound to the Ultros, now a ship manned by ghosts and doomed to forever sail the seas of Thylea.

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