10 The Oath of Peace Myth in Thylea | World Anvil
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10 The Oath of Peace

["If you desire it, I will tell you the story of how the Dragonlords were destroyed, and how the Oath of Peace came to be." - Kyrah, Poet Laureate of Mytros]   With the arrival of the Five Gods, the Titans faced an existential threat. They were badly weakened from the fighting of the First War, and much of their divine power had been sapped away. Joined by the power of the Five Gods, the mortal armies were nigh unstoppable.   The Dragonlords made their final voyage into the Forgotten Sea, and great battles were fought over land and water. Eventually, the centaur armies were broken, and the gygan armies were all but exterminated. Sydon and Lutheria had very little left with which they could fight - but they were still gods.   Lutheria lay claim to the vast underworld of the Nether Sea, capturing the souls of the dead to make up for what she had lost. Sydon secured his hold on the waters of Thylea, generating great storms that battered the mortal cities into submission. In this way, they forced a stalemate in the war, with the hope that they might recover from their losses.   As the Titans consolidated their remaining power, they struck a revenge blow against the mortal armies. They hunted down and slaughtered most of the remaining Dragonlords, including Estor Arkelander, the captain of the Ultros. The true fate of these brave warriors is largely unrecorded in the histories. In the end, both sides of the war were threatened with total annihilation.   Finally exhausted, the Titans and the Five Gods met once more beneath the great tree of the Golden Heart. They cut their hands and made blood handshakes, agreeing to a solemn truce for five hundred years. This agreement became known as the Oath of Peace, and Mytros, the Goddess of Dawn, sealed the oath with most of her remaining power.   Damon, the great wizard of the Dragonlords, saw it done. He carried the scroll of the oath and the bodies of the fallen Dragonlords back to the city. And then he disappeared into history.

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