Mortal Races

PEOPLE OF THYLEA Thylea is home to many different races, only some of whom are native to her shores. Thyleans are collectively referred to as mortals—even those with very long lifespans. For more information about Thylea's native races, including their origin myths and physical descriptions, refer to the Playable Races appendix.   Native Races • Centaurs, Satyrs, and Sirens. These creatures have existed in Thylea for thousands of years. They are common in rural areas but somewhat rare in cities. • Gygans. The gygans are a race of ancient cyclops that were mostly exterminated during the First War. • Medusae. Medusae are mortals who have been cursed by dark powers. They are secretive and very rare. • Minotaurs. Minotaurs are cursed tribes of humans. They are usually treated very poorly in cities.   Settler Races • Humans. Humans are plentiful. Some were shipwrecked here thousands of years ago, and others came over with the Dragonlords 500 years ago. Humans populate all major cities and settlements.• Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings. These races are less common than humans, but they populate all major cities and settlements in fair numbers. • Half-orcs. Half-orcs are rare, and they are not stigmatized as they are in other lands. There are no orcs. • Tieflings. Tieflings are called “Stygians” and assumed to be servants of Lutheria. They are secretive and rare. • Dragonborn. Dragonborn are uncommon. If they exist in Thylea, then they are hidden away in remote places. Thyleans would be shocked to see one.

Articles under Mortal Races


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