Session 1: Are we the chosen ones?

General Summary

Welcome to Thylea. The future of this land looks grim. The Titans are terrorizing the people of Thylea. Sydon, The Lord of Storms demands sacrifices every day at all of his temples, and Lutheria, The Lady of Dreams kidnaps people. The Five Gods have fallen silent. The Oracle has foretold the destruction of Tylea and the fall of The Kingdom of Mytros. The Oracle has foretold that the party will be the salvation of Thylea. The party is on their way to the heart of Thylea to the Temple of the Oracle.   They find themselves in The Sour Vintage, a small country tavern. Located at a crossroads about 20 miles East of the city of Estoria .   They have been summoned here by a poet named Kira. She sent the party a promising letter asking them to meet her. The party finds themselves sitting at a table, Halcyon the Siren, Artemios the Oread, and The Hunter the Half-Elf. Sitting across from us is a dark-haired woman wearing a white dress carrying a satchel filled with dozens of scrolls.   Suddenly a beautiful glowing woman comes crashing through the ceiling and lands next two us and the glow that was surrounding her begins to fade. It is Astraea. Kira calls Astraea over and holds out a scroll to her. Kira explains that she works for the Oracle and has been sent to hire us.   Astraea casts command and tells Kira to be silent. When the spell fails, she says that she will hear Kira out. Orion calls her thunder panties and Astraea casts charm person on Orion and tells him to sit quietly.   Kira explains that she is a poet and that she doesn’t work in rhyme when Artemios asks why her words don’t rhyme. She explains that she is here because the Oracle believes that a great destiny awaits us. She explains that, although the gods are becoming angrier every day, the Oracle believes that we may be the ones that can stop this.   Artemios is expressing that he doesn’t know if he trusts Kira, because she didn’t warn anyone about Astraea crashing through the roof of the tavern.   Kira explains that the Titans have sent a corrupted great boar to terrorize the people of this town. Artemios and Astraea seem dubious about being tasked with killing a giant boar. Halcyon explains that every journey begins with a single step and that this might be our first step.   Kira says that she hired a couple of guides to come with us and help us on the journey. Kira explains that she is interested in writing the most epic poem of all time. She explains that the two helpers that she hired for us won’t be here until the morning.   Astraea and Orion are ready to go take on the boar now, but Halcyon wants to wait until the helpers arrive. She argues that it would be foolish to turn away help, and that it would be beneficial to have someone to blame it on if anything goes wrong.   Orion wants to know if there is anything fun to do in this town. Astraea is shocked that this is not a town, because she is un-accustomed to seeing so many people in the same place. Kira explains that this is not a town, but merely a crossroads where people gather.   Kira explains that we have free reign of the evening and that anything we order is on the Oracle’s tab. Orion orders a copious amount of alcohol. Halcyon orders a glass of wine and dinner.   Artemios asks Astraea her name and wants to know more about her. Artemios says that he would like to know more about Astraea since she just crashed through the ceiling. She asks if Artemios would like to crash through a ceiling as well. Artemios stands up confrontationally and tells her that he would like to see her try it.   Astraea is confused about eating fish. How they are caught and how they are eaten. Kira brings back our food and drink. She says that she has plans and that she would like to leave for the evening, but that she will be back in the morning to go with us.   Artemios tries to encourage Astraea to drink, and Orion is in agreement. Halcyon warns Astraea that alcohol will dull the senses. Astraea decides to drink cautiously. Kyra leaves us to get to know each other. Artemios introduces himself, and Orion introduces himself as “The Hunter”. Astraea gives her name again. Halcyon asks how Astraea found herself falling through the ceiling. Astraea said she was in her home far away, doing nymph things, and she found herself falling toward this building.   Orion asks Halcyon if she would like to sing a song. He also calls her birdbrain. But she smiles sweetly and decides to play a song. She plays well and gets another free round from the hunters who tried and failed to hunt the boar.   Artemios decides to talk to the farmers who tried to hunt the boar. Artemios and Astraea say that the farmers look rough. Astraea is getting tipsy, and she tells the farmers that we are heroes, the chosen ones and that we are going to kill the boar tomorrow. Artemios asks the farmers about the boar.   They say that they planned to trap the boar, but things went badly. They lost one of their party. Jerry died when they tried to trap the boar. They set up a trap with lots of rotten fruit and tried to ambush it. The boar was too smart for them and killed their friend.   Orion is telling Halcyon about his exploits in the arena. Astraea is interested in hearing about what Orion fights in the arena.   Artemios asks how big the boar was. They say that it is a large creature.   Artemios says that he has never heard of the name Jerry, and asks where they are from. The farmer that Artemios is talking to, Damian says that he is from Mystros and that he and his wife decided to move out here because he was getting tired of dealing with the king’s shit.   Astraea says that she is feeling very good. Halcyon recommends that she should drink some water as well. Astraea decides to get some water.   Artemios tries to tell Astraea that she can get a drink of water from the water closet. Halcyon says that it is rude to tell a guest untrue things about the land they are visiting. Artemios says he doesn’t think so. Halcyon tells Astraea not to listen to Artemios, and to listen to Halcyon instead. Orion freezes the water as Astrea tries to drink it and encourages her to drink more wine. Halcyone suggests that Astraea get another glass of water and drink it before she comes back to the table. She does.   Halcyon and Astraea decide to go to bed. Artemios decides to stay up a bit and talk to Orion, but then he goes to bed. Orion stays up all night drinking and regaling the farmers with stories.   The next day, the party wakes up in the morning and finds Kira downstairs with two skinny, scrawny-looking human hunters. They are named Diana and Jerrick. Kyrah asks how we find the boar.   Artemios says that we should go to where Jerry was eaten. Artemios asks if Astraea can fly since she fell through the ceiling. Halcyon says that she can fly, and offers to fly up and see if she can see any signs of the boar. She rolls badly on a survival check and sees nothing.   The Hunter (Orion) decides to look for some scraps of food and pours the wine over them, to sour the scraps. We start to head north, looking for the boar. Astraea says that she wants to make it clear that we are not friends, but hero acquaintances. Halcyon pulls her to the side and says that it is never bad to save room in one’s heart for friendship. Artemios throws up because it is so sickening.   Artemios starts to lead us to the north and comes across the remains of a deer. The Hunter tries to see if this animal was killed by a tusk of some sort. It looks to have been gored by a very large tusk. The Hunter says that maybe we should lay out the bait and do more hunting than tracking.   Kira calls out to us from ahead on the trail and says that she has found something. She thinks that she has found boar droppings. It is dog shit, The Hunter points out. We find some giant pig hoofprints leading to a stream. The Hunter follows the prints and smells a hoggy smell. We follow the stream until it becomes a valley.  

The Showdown with the Great Boar

The party comes up to the entrance to a cave. Orion sneaks up to the entrance of the cave and throws down his bait. He then goes and hides in the bushes near the cave entrance. He throws the majority of the food on the ground near the cave, but some of it falls into the water. We hear nothing else.   Astraea goes up to and enters the cave. We all move up to be close to the cave. Astraea walks confidently up to the cave. Jake asks for a perception check from everyone. Halcyon and Artemios are not surprised, but everyone else is surprised as a massive boar charges from the mouth of the cave with the body of the hunter in its mouth. He tosses the body aside and we see an ancient white boar with red eyes.   The boar casts confusion on us, confusing The Hunter, Halcyon, and Artemios.   We are all rolling terribly and missing a lot.   Halcyon uses bardic inspiration on Astraea and Artemios.   The boar knocks the crap out of the scout Jerrick as he runs up to the boar.   Halcyon hits the boar with dissonant whispers and the boar runs away but uses that opportunity to charge back at Astraea, missing her.   Astraea commands the boar to fall.   The Hunter hits the boar with a firebolt.   The boar makes a saving throw against vicious mockery again, being the wisest boar in history.   The boar stands up, invoking an attack of opportunity from Astraea, which misses, but her bonus attack hits it. The boar charges for Diana ramming a tusk straight through her body.   Kyrah says the words “Jesus Christ” as an exclamation. It is very confusing to Halcyon. She does not know who Jesus Christ is.   Artemios shoots the boar with a crossbow bolt.   Astraea runs up and attempts to hit the boar and misses. But jabs at the boar with an unarmed strike and hits it.   The Hunter hits the boar with a firebolt.   Halcyon hits the boar with vicious mockery.   The boar kicks Jerrick, and then hits Astraea.   Artemios runs toward the boar and jumps at it, trying to stab the boar with two shadowy daggers that appear from his hands, slashing a huge hole in the side of the boar.   Astraea says that Halcyon should have kept singing about her, and then misses an attack, but hits with an unarmed strike, killing the boar.   Kyrah comes up and tells us that it is customary for heroes, after killing a beast, to sacrifice it to one of the gods.   Halcyon heals Diana, who was knocked down by the boar.   Combat ends.   The party will level up next time we take a long rest. We are going to visit the Oracle and hear the prophecy firsthand.

Rewards Granted

Level Up!
Astraea Gains inspiration by the party

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
02 Sep 2022
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